Those are normal worries for anyone who is pregnant...I guess it's too late to give you the " you should have been more careful" speech so I will offer you some advice.
You have at least for the moment deviated from you plan or at the very least the life you were living...You can make that a good thing or something more difficult than it needs to be! You have the power to be a great mom or a not so great mom. You have the power.
Do what works for you. Decide what you are willing to sacrifice, because that is where you need to focus right now. You have all but admitted that you can't do it all...right?
So decide, are you willing to put school on hold, so that you can work right now to save money? Maybe you should move to a less expensive area, and switch jobs all together? Maybe staying home after your child is here is a good option, since a second income is about what it costs in childcare to have the second income!!! ( I hope that made sense?)
You do not need to give up your hopes and dreams altogether but you need to be realistic, and very sure about what you are willing to spend time & money perusing. Many people can peruse all of that at once, but many of those people tend to be overworked, tired and general dissatisfied with their life. Like I said you do not have to give up your hopes & dreams you must simply find a new road possibly a longer road to get there!
In my opinion your priorities should be:
*You & your pregnancy & child’s health.
*Your financial situation, and several options (i.e. moving, switching jobs etc.)
*Then once things have settled, your future...
People push the future all the time...But it is more important to focus on the moment, you have no guarantee that tomorrow will be here, so why worry about it & when you have the opportunity to make future plans do so. But never forget to be present. "Each day is a gift: that's why it's called the present." What will you do with the gift of today?