Why you do that? Baby precious gift of God...Why you do that!!!!?
You have heart of fool.........
Your husband you must tell..... Forgiveness will be high price!
God know already, Forgiveness from God, when?
Baby suffer, baby suffer, why you do that? baby suffer.
Where is forgivenes for a whole life taken, the many years taken?
A million laughs, a million tear's, the first kiss, the love of a father and mother all taken!
Baby suffer, World suffer, Husband suffer, You suffer-------
Where is the Forgiveness?
Where is the Wisdom?
Where is the love you have? Love for Baby, Self, Husband, Life, God.
Jesus say get angry with evil. I sad for you. Life teach you over many years, you know....you always know....heart break more as you get older... and you know in your heart... you always know and cry in your heart.
God take and Love BABY......
Love Always Answer