i feel its a difficult decision,
I was 22 when my son was born and 21 when i got pregnant
You can DO IT, but its gonna be tough, and sometimes lonely when your not in a relationship
Plus plus, you love your kids like no one else in this world.
its something you can only experience
My first born is very special to me. Diffrent from my other 2
I love them ALL but he is special.
it was something diffrent when I saw his face, the love didn't hit me til 2 days later, I looked at him and that was it, i started to cry and I just knew I would put my life on the line for him
Things you need, just a car seat to take him home in
and the hospital will give you everything else for the next few days
you should be in good shape if you had a few outfits and a blanket, luckily the weather will be warm in May
Everyone gave me plenty of stuff and WWW.FREECYCLE.ORG
you can get nice stuff secondhand and for free.
you can't beat free right
As far as school goes, you can get tuition assistance, medical assistance for both you and the baby, special housing assistance, and Chilcare FOR FREE, just go speak to the people in the office, they know exactly the right people to get in contact with and will usually do all the work for you
but you need to get on the ball NOW don't wait, even if you decide your not ready for this, atleast you have a plan in place incase you just can't bear to let your baby GO
Your lucky your new BF is supportive, and the best thing about pregnancy is SEX , your already pregnant.
Remember you are capable, you can do this, many women have been through worse, trust me, if I can do it so can you
and being in college is the best, all your friends will babysit
and take a night shift,
when your married no one can help you, and when your working no one wants to help you.
College students are full of energy and love to help,
I wish you the best what ever your choice,
but like i said , go speak to the counselor today they will help you get set up, and then if you change your mind you still have options,
think about this baby first, even if your not planning on keeping him
Good luck