I am not sure if I'm keeping my baby or giving it up for adoption.. need some input please?
2007-08-29 14:35:57 UTC
I'm 18... it should be born around my 19th birthday. I'm 11 weeks now, and plan on saving my money, finding a room mate, and moving into an apt... and continuing with school.
I'm no longer with the father, but I have a new boyfriend that is very supportive, and I can for him very much.
I still can't decide if I should keep him or her or not. It's a hard decision, because I want to be able to, you know?
In the mean time, I dont plan on buying any baby furnerture, or much clothing, incase things go the other direction.

So my questions are
1) what are some things I NEED when bringing a baby home... like, things that cant wait a day or two to buy
2)do you think I should keep it if Im able to?

Thanks so much for your input and answers, I really appreciate it
44 answers:
2007-08-29 14:56:34 UTC
You are a child yourself, proof is in your words and level of thinking. So this guy impregnates you 11 weeks ago, leaves you and you are on to a new guy you care about a lot. Do I have that right? I know I sound harsh right off but think about what your situation says about how or if you are ready to raise a child.

My opinion is that you do the baby a favor and put the child up for adoption by a family that can truly provide for him/her. You will be doing yourself a huge favor as well, by letting yourself grow up at a pace you can handle, and giving yourself a much better chance at a prosperous future.

Letting the baby be adopted will prove one thing, that you really love your child and yourself. You obviously care about things, and you obviously realize the seriousness of your upcoming choices, or else you would not be asking questions. That said you could raise the child on your own and be successful, a lot of women have done it, but a lot have failed as well.

I'm hoping you and your baby do well no matter what choices you make, and I commend you on your decision to get informed and to do the right thing. When you have sex the next time use reliable birth control, and condoms to help protect yourself against std's. If you chose to raise the baby on your own, do not let the father out of his financial obligations, get an attorney if need be.

So I'm reading my answer over and I sound like a preachy f---to myself, but I'm relating all my thoughts and feelings openly to you because you are sincere. My opinions and comments come out of my experiences with/around my female friends/loved ones who have had these types of issues over the last 20 -25 years. No matter what do your best, and don't let anyone judge you.

Good luck to you.
Heavenly Advocate
2007-08-29 14:49:21 UTC
It's a really hard thing to have to give your baby up for adoption, but I for one am so proud of you for giving this baby a chance at life! Good for you! As far as keeping the baby? I don't know. It's a decision that you must make with your whole heart and soul and don't rush into it one way or the other and know that in most states you have at least until you leave the hospital to change your mind.

Some things you will need if you bring the baby home with you that can't wait would be a couple of outfits, a few blankets, diapers(unless someone can run out for them when you come home) a carseat, some place for baby to sleep. I'd reccomend getting a bassinett. You can get them cheap and they don't take up much space so if that's a concern look for that. Basically, other than that...there's not a whole lot you need to get before hand if you aren't sure BUT it can get expensive and daunting if you have to do it all at once especially with a newborn in tow. You know, if you have supportive friends and family you might want to tell them and register a baby registry and you never know, they might buy all the things you would need for the baby which would take alot of stress out of the decision. Whatever you decide I wish the best for you both. It's not an easy situation to be in and you are already acting like a mother caring for your baby's needs or future needs over your own selfish desires and that says alot!
2007-08-29 14:48:41 UTC
You are an adult, and i don't think you should give him up, or at least I wouldn't. I guess those that don't want children would end up doing more harm than good, but if I were that age there would be no question. You need diapers, and the hospital will give you some. If you bottle feed, then you need bottles and formula, and you can get the store brand kind to save money. The baby needs clothes. If you are on a low budget you can look into craigslist or something to get used things for cheaper (clothes-they are always selling baby clothes, mattress and crib. But you can't take your baby home unless you have a car seat, and it is possible the hospital might have a program to help out with that.

So, a couple of outfits, carseat, blanket, wipes, and possible bottles.

The hospital will give you some diapers to get by and a few feedings of formula as well as a pacifier.

Then you can get other supplies if you have chosen to keep the baby, like shampoo a crib (or pack'n'play) sheets, ect.
2007-08-29 14:52:43 UTC
Definitely keep the baby. You have no idea how close of a relationship you will have with your baby by the time you're 5 or 6 months pregnant. Then when the baby finally comes out, all you will want to do is hold your baby tightly next to you. I know you're young and it's probably a lot to think about right now. Pregnancy definitley changes you. Just accept it and take it one day at a time.

Right now, go get yourself a book called, "What to Expect When You're Expecting". It tells you everything you need to know each month that goes by.

As far as what you need to bring the baby home all you really need is an Infants Car Seat. Dont worry about food, the baby will be just fine with your breast milk. As far as all the other things, call some friends or family members that have already had babies and have them give you their old stuff and make sure they throw you a baby shower. You will get tons of gifts.

If possible, and if you can afford it, try to take a Bradley Method course. You will get all kinds of knowledge, more than most people get. It cost about $300, once a week for 12 weeks.

Good Luck.
2007-08-29 14:47:39 UTC
This is a question that you will go round and round with for about 9 months. Mainly because no action can be taken until you have the baby. You are not allowed to sign papers that give him up till 48 hours after birth. Meanwhile, here is what I think you should do. You can find an adoption agency or home for unwed mother's. A type of agency that will help you weather you keep or give up the baby. There are some like that as that is where I adopted my baby from. They help the birth mother get a job and go to college as well as keep up her prenatal visits and a place to stay before the baby was born. The birth mother whose baby I finally adopted was the third to choose me. The other two changed there minds after the babies were born. Yes this was hard for me but understandable. I agreed to meet the birth parents and now through the case worker, I send pictures of my baby and tell what he is up to. He is 3 now. They call that a semi open adoption. As for what you need when you bring a baby home. You need wipes and diapers, bottles and formula and clothes and baby blankets. You in my prayers and good luck
2007-08-29 14:44:38 UTC
I couldn't imagine raising a baby without the help of a father, and extended need a lot of support especially if you are going to work and/or go to school. The right thing to do would probalby be to give the baby up for adoption to a two parent home, people who WANT a child and didn't just accidentally get pregnant, HOWEVER I can't imagine how hard that would be, but sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest thing. Think more about the baby....what do you think will benefit the baby the most?
2007-08-29 14:46:32 UTC
First, congrats on your little one. Motherhood is such a joy. Now, to your questions.

1) You will NEED:

a car seat (good luck getting out of the hospital without one),

a bassinet (or crib),

formula (if not breastfeeding),

diapers (take the ones from the hospital that they stock you up on while you're in there),

sleepers (pjs with feet),

blankets (for bundling baby on the way home and at home) (unless in a warm place) and

best to have some diaper cream too. Those first few poops can be really irritating on baby's bum.

2) This is totally up to you. Loving and taking care of a baby is a lot of work but it is oh so rewarding! Every day is a pleasure... even when the baby is fussy. I recommed keeping the baby as it is a wonderful thing, but if you feel you couldn't take care of the baby due to all the other things in your life... adoption would be good as well. This baby was given to you so only you know what is best for the little one.

Many blessings in whatever you decide to do. :)
suzanne g
2007-08-29 14:45:23 UTC
Yes, keep if you can because you said, "I want to be able to."

Ask yourself: if you keep the baby, can you continue school? Who will watch the baby when you're in class? If you can't continue school, will that break your heart?

If you give the baby up, will you suffer the rest of your life because of it?

If people waited until they had enough $ to have a kid, they never would have one. For example, in the old days (1900s) people would sometimes just use a dresser drawer for a crib instead of buying a crib. It worked just fine, you put it on the floor or a table and fill it with blankets, etc. So you don't literally have to have all the baby stuff people get. If you have supportive friends & family, they will all pitch in & get you the stuff you need (baby shower). You don't have the shower until later in the pregnancy and by then you'll know if you're keeping the baby. After the shower, you'll know what you still need to buy. No. 1 is diapers.
2007-08-29 14:58:50 UTC
you have a long time left to think about what you are going to do. buying baby stuff will only make it harder to give the baby up if that is what you decide to do.

are you ready to provide a stable home, financial support it, emotional support, physical support, and devote all of your time and energy into raising a baby for the next 18 (at least) years? by yourself?

how are you going to continue with school? who is going to watch the baby? how are you going to afford to buy thing for you and your baby if you are in school? welfare?

you say you have a supportive boyfriend... at 11 weeks you are probably no even showing yet, how is he going to be when you are huge and pregnant? and hormonal? and tired?

you need to take a realistic look at what you have to offer a child. and what are your reasons you want to keep it and give it away.

by law to get home from the hospital, you have to have a rear-facing car seat, you also need diapers, wipes, formula (unless breastfeeding), bottles, blankets and some onsies/ sleeper.

good luck on whatever you decide.

i'm not trying to be mean to you, you just need to think before you decide anything. a baby is not a puppy, you can't change your mind if it is not how you imagined. i know at 19 i was not ready to be a GOOD mom. you might be. don't count on the boyfriend, as you know, men come and go.
Miss Coffee
2007-08-29 14:46:10 UTC
This is a decision that has to be made by you and only you. You are the one who lives with whatever choice you make. The older I get (I am 34) the more I have learned to go with my instincts or gut feelings on thing and 99.9% of the time they are right. Think long and hard and go with your gut feeling.

Adoption is a wonderful thing to give someone a child who cannot have one themselves.

And every mother regardless of age has doubts, I even felt a bit doubtful with my second at times and I was married for 8 years, they both had the same father. I am not saying it should be that way, I am simply saying even married people with older kids have doubts at times. It is a big repsonsibility at any age, but it is also very wonderful and rewarding.

Another thing I have learned is that things usually work out in the end, it may be a hard road but in the end we are ok and have made it financially (sometimes with only pennies left LOL) and are still together.
2007-08-29 14:57:40 UTC
i feel its a difficult decision,

I was 22 when my son was born and 21 when i got pregnant

You can DO IT, but its gonna be tough, and sometimes lonely when your not in a relationship

Plus plus, you love your kids like no one else in this world.

its something you can only experience

My first born is very special to me. Diffrent from my other 2

I love them ALL but he is special.

it was something diffrent when I saw his face, the love didn't hit me til 2 days later, I looked at him and that was it, i started to cry and I just knew I would put my life on the line for him

Things you need, just a car seat to take him home in

and the hospital will give you everything else for the next few days

you should be in good shape if you had a few outfits and a blanket, luckily the weather will be warm in May

Everyone gave me plenty of stuff and WWW.FREECYCLE.ORG

you can get nice stuff secondhand and for free.

you can't beat free right

As far as school goes, you can get tuition assistance, medical assistance for both you and the baby, special housing assistance, and Chilcare FOR FREE, just go speak to the people in the office, they know exactly the right people to get in contact with and will usually do all the work for you

but you need to get on the ball NOW don't wait, even if you decide your not ready for this, atleast you have a plan in place incase you just can't bear to let your baby GO

Your lucky your new BF is supportive, and the best thing about pregnancy is SEX , your already pregnant.

Remember you are capable, you can do this, many women have been through worse, trust me, if I can do it so can you

and being in college is the best, all your friends will babysit

and take a night shift,

when your married no one can help you, and when your working no one wants to help you.

College students are full of energy and love to help,

I wish you the best what ever your choice,

but like i said , go speak to the counselor today they will help you get set up, and then if you change your mind you still have options,

think about this baby first, even if your not planning on keeping him

Good luck

Tone Teezy
2007-08-29 14:44:01 UTC
I say if youre having doubts now or don't think you'll be a good mother then let it go. Its better the baby grow up in a loving enviroment with people that actually want a baby. rather than being raised by somone who doesn't want a baby and considers it a burden on their lives.

A lot of times though people who have these doubts end up being better people from having a child. basically having a child get there life on track and forces them to consicious descisions in their life. So in short this Baby might be the best thing for you right now sure it might be hard and frustrating sometimes but in the end you'll probably a better more mature more patient human being.
2007-08-29 14:41:07 UTC
First off, thank you for at least CONSIDERING adoption!!

1) Diapers, bottles, formula (if not breastfeeding), something to hold the baby in--a drawer even.

2) Honestly, I'm a child who was adopted. When you're pregnant, as you now know, this isn't about you. You need to look at the sort of life you can give this child and decide whether or not YOUR child deserves more.

Adoption now days have many options--you can have an open adoption and still play an important role in your child's life. Just...think your child first. It's easy to think that this is YOUR child so YOU'LL keep her. But you need to be honest--talk with someone who is neutral. Listen. You're 18 and you made a mistake. Does that mean you HAVE to be a mom? Of course not!

Just PLEASE think of your child.

Whenever I see teenagers keep a child yet don't live on their own or have any way to finance, I cringe. Kids are expensive and really hard to deal with. They don't come with a magic manual, and they do NOT make you feel like you're the best mom in the world. The first 3 months are brutal, especially alone. Babies and kids are wonderful, but they are also INCREDIBLY stressful on your checkbook and on you as a person.
2007-08-30 11:01:34 UTC
That's such a tough and personal decision, I wouldn't dream of making that decision for you. Go to your heart to make the decision. Whatever you choose to do, do it for baby, not for you. If you decide to keep baby, know that you will be making many sacrifices and will need to consider baby in many future decisions. If you keep baby, it's a very heavy duty commitment for the next 18 years and beyond, as you'll always be a parent. If however, you give the baby up for adoption, choose your adoption agency carefully and know that baby will have a loving mother and father and a good life. Then, you'll need to let go and let God.

As far as what's needed if you keep baby, a heart full of love, a commitment to baby's well being, and enough $$ to purchase the essentials.

Whatever you decide, May the Blessings Be
Rachel G
2007-08-29 14:55:14 UTC
This is a personal decision and you're doing the best thing by trying to be as informed as you can. It is a BIG decision. Try looking for a place in your city/town that offers resources for mothers to be. Non-profit organizations such as Planned Parenthood have resource counselors that can help you in your decision. Also, if you decide to keep your baby you can always receive financial help like WIC to cover costs of formula, diapers and such.

Also if you keep the baby too, you CAN continue going to school and finishing it out. Many mothers have done this, it'll make your journey a little tougher and longer to complete but I've known many friends while we were in college who raised children as single moms and still graduated.

Good luck on your decision!
2007-08-29 14:45:53 UTC
Only you can decide whaat is the right thing for you to do.

If you keep your baby you have to provide for him/her and be there 24/7. If you are planning a career it will be difficult to combine with motherhood. How much support will you have from your family and friends.

If you give your baby up for adoption you will know you have done your best to give the child a good start in life but you will grieve for your child and think about it for the rest of your life.

There is no easy answer.

When you take your baby home it will need something to sleep in, clean clothes and sheets, formula and bottles and sterilser if you are not breastfeeding.

Best of luck whatever you decide.
2007-08-29 14:45:22 UTC
Noone can tell you whether or not to keep your baby. It is a life altering decision either way. You sound like a mature, intelligent young lady. I am sure you'll do what is very best for you and your baby! If you decided to keep the baby there are many resources out there to assist you financially and there are many ways to save financially on baby items that are neccessary for raising a child (i.e. cribs, furniture, diapers etc). If you decide to give the child up for adoption I know you will carefully screen any potential parents to make sure your child is raised by a loving caring family!!

Good luck to you...and for those smarty pants who couldn't be bothered to give a serious answer this young lady should be commended for taking responsibility for her pregnancy and carrying this baby to term whether she keeps the baby or finds it a loving home with adoptive parents!!
2007-08-29 14:43:48 UTC
You will definitely need a bassinet, a car seat, and a stroller. Bouncy seats are life savers, they free up your hands. Of course, you'll need the usual...diaper, ointment, bottles, formula, and the list goes on and on.

Why don't you look into adoption and see if there is a family that you would like to raise your child. Often there are organizations that have books that families have made of themselves. You can sort through the books to see if you like anybody.

I'm sure you will go back and forth about this for some time...but, I can assure you that raising a baby at 19 will be very difficult and expensive. I'm 37 and have my hands full :)
Sarah C
2007-08-29 15:13:07 UTC
You don't really have good options here. You don't have a good track record for stability. Less than 3 months ago, you were in a sexual relationship with someone you're "no longer with" and have already moved on to a new guy. Where will you be in another 3 months? As a result, I'm skipping #1, and working under the belief that #2 doesn't matter because you're NOT able to.

Single mothers get a lot of moral support from their friends and relatives, but the financial and logistical issues aren't easy. You will not have much time with this baby. You have to finish school and work to pay some of the bills and do something to get the rest of them paid, whether it's fight with the daddy, be your mama's child again, or deal with the welfare system.

I doubt that much of anyone wants to be the roommate of a pregnant woman. .Even some husbands who swore to love them forever and are partially responsible for this condition aren't crazy about living one As for choosing to share an apartment with a woman and her newborn, only someone who loves you a lot or is deaf. Sure, it worked on Judging Amy, but that was TV!

Relatives may help with the bills and babysit but will have rules for you like "No boyfriends while you're pregnant or nursing," and will expect to decide about how to raise the child. Friends will say, "Oh, how could you give up your baby?" but they won't come walk the floor with you if he has colic or work your shift for you while you and she are at the ER, much less pay for a well baby visit so you don't wind up in the ER.

You haven't said who's paying for your obstetrical care, but this is an issue, too. If as a taxpayer, I'm paying, I'd like you to seriously consider letting a more mature couple adopt your baby to give it the stability you're not ready to provide and the solid foundation of food, medical care and mind-developing attention and activities that a poor, young single mother can't.

Everyone says they won't be a statistic, but most of us. Old people become erratic drivers, fat middle-aged men have heart attacks, teen-aged girls become pregnant. Children of young, single, poorly educated (Your spelling doesn't suggest otherwise.) parents are more likely to die young, to need special education, to have chronic health problems and to become young, single poorly educated parents themselves.

BTW, if you marry or have a long-term guy to help, the statistics on abuse by stepfathers and mamas' boyfriends are horrendous. You say you wouldn't choose a guy like that. You didn't pick a guy that you knew would get you pregnant and become impossible to stay with, did you?
2007-08-29 14:46:51 UTC
First, kudos to you for being so thoughtful and responsible about this. In my opinion, this is a mark of a good mother, and if you can keep the baby and truly, thoughtfully think you want to, that's what I'd do. They're the hardest thing you'll ever do but OH MY GOD are they worth it.

As for stuff you absolutely need at (or before) day one:

-car seat to bring the baby home

-some clothes (basic onesies will do)


-bottles and formula unless you're breastfeeding

-someplace for the baby to sleep - bassinet, crib, or co-sleeper - but really, even a deep dresser drawer with cushioning will do

That's really it for the first few weeks. They need to eat, sleep, poop, and be clothed. Eventually you'll need washcloths, a bathtub, pacifiers (if you want to use them), swing, stroller, highchair, etc. etc. etc.

You're obviously going to go through with the pregnancy, so you have about 7 months to make the right decision for you. Good luck and God bless. :)
2007-08-29 14:47:31 UTC
To save money you can breastfeed and even co-sleep so you don't have to buy furniture. Just get some footed pajamas, a blanket, and some diapers and wipes. There are a lot of programs out there to help young moms like WIC and a lot of churches will give you baby items. If you are able to keep your baby I would. I had my first at 19 and I am now 22 and just had my second 7 months ago. You can do it as long as you have love in your heart for your baby.
First Lady
2007-08-29 14:44:50 UTC
No one can answer that question for you. I know that's hard to hear, but it's YOUR decision to make. None of us have to live with whatever you decide to do. I can't even imagine having to make a decision like that so I wish you much luck. Some things to consider...can you give the child everything s/he needs and will want? Can you do it on your own in case the new boyfriend doesn't work out?
2007-08-29 14:43:53 UTC
OMG!!! You just described my life!!! I was 17 and going to be 18 when my first was born. But it all really depends on you. I have a girlfriend that gave her baby up when she was your age and unmarried and she said it was the best decision she ever made. Not only could she go one and move past the mistake of getting prego so young and unmarried but her baby was able to go to a stable home with a mother and father who really wanted him and were ready for him. I on the other hand kept my baby because the birth father refused to give up rights, thinking that it would make me stay with him, but it was 2000 not 1900 so I dumped him and moved on. I had the baby and kept him and it was VERY HARD!!! I never had time for him and I never got to be with him he was always with his grandma or a baby sitter which was totally unfair to him. Not to mention that I didn't really want him so I didn't cherish him like he deserved. I love him dearly and wouldn't give him back for the world but if I had it to do over again I would have given him up for adoption so he could of had a better life.
2007-08-29 15:21:42 UTC
I believe adoption is the hardest thing a mother can do...when you see that baby you'll know the answer to all your questions...

things that cant wait a day or two,

pampers, clothes, car seat, and if you REALLY need help, theres the government that can help you make way for you and the baby...theres wic programs, which offer all the diary products, theres foodstamps, theres cash and theres even medical assistance for you and the you can definetly KEEP the baby because there is help out there, its just up to you to stand up to that challange...GOOD LUCK and thanks for not aborting the made a wise choice...
2007-08-29 14:44:16 UTC
1-You HAVE to have a car seat to bring the baby home, will need diapers, formula (if not breast feeding) bottles, blankets, and lots of love to bring the baby home

2- If you are able to yes, you should keep it, of course that should be your first choice.

But if you think it is in the child's bes interest to give it up, do so. Do what is best for the baby, once you have a child, it comes before you.

GOOD LUCK!!! It's a hard decision I know....
♥Grown Woman♥
2007-08-29 14:39:16 UTC
Especially because you want to, you should keep your baby. Being a single parent is definately not easy, but it is well worth it and it helps that you have a supportive boyfriend. As far as financially, there are many, many programs that help out mothers in need. All you have to do is contact your local county assistance office for more info. But your child will have full medical coverage... and you can get help in several other areas until you are able to do more yourself. As far as the items that you will need initially, the hospital provides you with a great amount of diapers, bottles and formula. Good luck
2007-08-29 14:48:20 UTC
it will be very hard especially since your going to need a babysitter so i would do some price checking at daycares and babysitters it can be pretty high priced in certain places

you will need formula heres a link to give you an idea of the cost of that

i suggest getting on wic asap if your keeping the baby they will give you vouchers for so many containers of formula a month and eggs,milk, cheese etc

diapers and wipes heres an example of that could cost

you will need a bassinet or cradle for it to sleep in clothes,blankets,baby lotion-shampoo, bottles, pacifiers, and lots of free time for the baby and you should also think most about which decision will be best for the baby and if you can handle and afford raising a child

oh ya and youll need an infant car seat,stroller and a bottle cleaner
2007-08-29 14:41:15 UTC
Keep the baby if you can. If you don't, you'll always wonder "what if I had tried a little harder?" If you know that you cannot properly/adequately take care of this child, consider asking your parents to be his/her legal guardians until you can do it on your own. If they legally adopt her, they should be able to get assistance from the state. You need diapers, a couple things for him/her to wear, a blanket and a carseat. Good luck.
2007-08-29 14:57:34 UTC

You can do it, you can finish school and raise your baby especially if the things you say about your new boyfriend are true. but dont depend on anyone too much you are able to do this yourself ..i promise. It is going to be rough but doable ..... if you set your mind to it and really want to keep your baby than you can do it....

but at the same time if you dont think you can offer this baby a good life from the beginning then by all means let someone that can do it, do it please.
broken souls
2007-08-29 14:48:28 UTC
i think you should keep the baby but i dont know what babys need im only 13 so i wont know for about 5 or 6 or mabey 7 more years so thats all i can tell you
2007-08-29 14:47:16 UTC
It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and you know what you want. I think you would regret giving up the baby. But if you do there are lots of good people to adopt it. Good luck.
lisa m
2007-08-29 14:48:00 UTC
you will need clothing

a blanket



car seat

yes i think you should keep your baby if you can,you will only end up wondering every day of your life how the baby is and what he or she even looks like

it sounds like you have a real cool boyfriend who will look after you both,you dont get much of that,so if you can keep your baby
2007-08-29 14:45:02 UTC
Don't do it. Its your child and you want to be able to cherish its moments that you have with him/her. I might not know your situation.

Its not easy but tough work and help from family can get you far. Just save money! Don't buy B/S crap you don't need. As far as things you might need.

Cribs, Pampers, ETC. are usually easy to get with doing a baby shower. You pay nothing and get the starting essentials you may need.

PS. Don't give your child unneeded vaccines that may contain mercury and actually harm your child.(If you decide to keep it) Best of luck.
2007-08-29 14:45:08 UTC
it is your baby, and you are the mother, but my question is, if you weren't ready, why did you do it? i really think that you should keep your baby, that is, if your able to. And i dont know what you will need, because i'm only 14, so i dont have any kids, good luck finding out though
~*~BaBiGuRl N BaByD TTC#1~*~
2007-09-01 17:14:32 UTC
I would love to help anyone in need

Some people think i mean in a bad way I don't

I want to help because i love children and can't have any on my own

I would hate for you to give your baby up unless you extremly had to

You can contact me
2007-08-29 14:42:40 UTC
Why wouldn't you keep him? I had my son at 18 and he is doing great!

If your b/f is supporting you then go for it.

If you give him up for adoption it will stay in your concience for ever, do you really want to live knowing what you did?

It's not easy, but why take the cheaters way out and give up your flesh and blood.

TO take the baby home, you need a carseat, clothes, bath items, milk, diapers, thermometer, lotions, the simple stuff.

I hope you do choose to keep this baby, he or she wil love you uncondtionally.
2007-08-29 14:42:59 UTC
Look at what you have, and the person you love. Do you think they will be there to care, love, change, and feed your child. Do you have enough to feed and provide for you and your spouse, and will he give you money for your child. Its hard to give up a child but its harder to care for a child when you can't give it what it needs.
2007-08-29 14:43:41 UTC
i think that you should keep the baby and make the daddy pay child support and then there are programs out there that would help with the daycare while you go to school.
jake da snake
2007-08-29 14:43:10 UTC
definitly keep it never give life away what are you nuts for even thinking about not keeping it if you need help consult a paternity mother the state and or hospital will help with your baby exspecially when your a single mom and all (father not around)
2007-08-29 14:45:51 UTC
you should sit down and really think about the situation your in and try to image your future with the baby and without it the positives and negative use logic.
Hoptoad City
2007-08-29 14:41:48 UTC
School is extremely important, but if you have parents that can help, have the kid and finish school. You need help. Do not try and depend on some boyfriend.
2007-08-29 14:42:50 UTC
You should keep it! You laid down and made the baby so you must now care for the baby. I would understand if you were raped or something of that nature but you just don't want the responsibility and that is sad.
2007-08-29 14:40:23 UTC
If you want to keep it, keep it. Don't do something you'll regret.
2016-02-22 06:33:21 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.