Natural Childbirth - Is Water Birth Safe & Reputable?
2006-03-30 08:18:39 UTC
I am interested in hearing women's thoughts on the natural childbirth, and particularly water birthing. I would appreciate personal experiences from mothers who have gone through this, but am also open to hearing from moms who took more traditional approaches.
Seven answers:
2006-03-30 09:35:30 UTC
I had two wonderful waterbirths with my two daughters 3 and was a great experience and would do it again in a second. it is actually hard for me to imagine people that do not have a baby in the water.....i spent about 6 hours during each birth in the was very relaxing for me to be in the water, helped with the painful contractions. both were born in the water which eliminated any tearing, because i stretched so slowly....i think that water helps so much because they are coming from a water environment, your womb, into water, so it is not such a shocking and dramatic change for them....they both just slowly floated to the top, they are still getting oxygen through the umbilical cord until it is husband cut the cord and i nursed immediately after coming out of the water.....they were both such wonderful birth experiences and i would definitely recommend it!!! good luck. email me if you have any more questions. i have been looking for someone on here interested in waterbirths..thanks so much for asking the question
2006-03-30 08:53:04 UTC
I had a c section because my son was big, born at 9 lbs 14 oz. But the way I see it, if you've been through labor before and want to try a water birth, go ahead. But if it's your first time, it may be a good idea to labor in the hospital the traditional way. First labors are usually longer than proceeding pregnancies.

As far as water birth being reputable? I guess it depends on where it's done and who is doing it. Some midwiferies are close to hospitals, and I would trust those places more.
D lo
2006-03-30 14:44:18 UTC
I actually never experienced that type of childbirth.....I did it the natural way! wouldn't have been the experience I'd always imagined if I'd chose to do it any other way. I actually witnessed the water birth on the Discover channel and found it to be quite interesting.....Preferrably, if I had it to do all over again, I would definitely consider water birth; for some strange reason.....water and natural birth babies seem to have less to issues as opposed to mother's that receive medication! Go for it!!!!! Natural is always better! How natural can water be!

D lo
2006-03-30 08:23:19 UTC
I had both of my sons naturally, my first son weighed 7lbs 14 oz and my second weighed 8lbs 12oz. I am very for natural child birth. I was 16 when my first was born and 22 with my second.

I have always been interested in waterbirth. I was considering it with my second but never went through with it again. It is very safe, the baby can not get hurt this way. People are worried that the baby will drown, impossible because the baby doesn't take his first breath until he hits air.

The majority of people have to have pain meds, either mild or to take all the pain away. I had none. I think you should go with it if you think you can handle it. It helps to have a good support team there with you.
2006-03-30 08:25:35 UTC
I don't understand it myself. When I was delivering both of my boys, I would not have been able to sit in a tub of water. Also, so the baby comes out, into water similar to the place it's been for 9 months. Seconds later, it's out of the water just as if it had been born in a bed. So imo that is not a good reason for water birth. Also, don't think badly of epidurals. I had one with my second, not with my first. Not by choice either, I wanted the epi! But a lot of moms try to put superwoman status on giving birth. "I did it without drugs." Big deal. I did too and would do it over with drugs, not without. Just my opinion, but too many women show off the no drug thing when only men would really feel it's a big deal.
2006-03-30 08:24:45 UTC
I don't know what that is like, but look into it, just keep your options open you don't know how you or your body will react to labor, i went to seven centimeters and then they gave me pain medicine because of high blood pressure. So it wasn't exactly how i planned just have a plan b. Good luck.
2006-03-30 08:21:27 UTC
I saw the actual process on Discovery channel... it looks kinda gross. I'd do C-section any time!

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