2009-11-22 12:40:04 UTC
So the next night i went back, (it was on the weekend so couldnt go to doc office) Decided to go to another hospital my doc delivers at, same thing; When i came in contractions every 5 mins again. But when they gave me terbutline it didnt stop my contractions; it made them every 4 mins. They tried to give me another shot 45 mins later, i refused. so because i had a docs apt at 130 the next afternoon. they sedated me, gave me pain shots, and spent 7 hours getting my contractions to go to every 6 mins and sent me home at 8 that morning. they told me they were doing this to get me to my docs apt and that they had no intention of delivering me unless it was an emergency.
when i woke up to go to doc, i was haveing really bad contractions, i could hardly walk. i went in told the doc how much pain i was in. he said that because i was scheduled for a c section in 6 days (at 39 weeks) that he was not going to deliver. i started crying telling him that was in labour, and asking what i was supposed to do keep coming to l and d and getting pain shots and sedating myself? after about 5 mins of arguing with him, he agreed to hook me to monitor.
My contractions were every 2 mins.!!!!! after 45 mins being on the monitor. he put me in a wheelchair and had me wheeled down to deliver my daughter.
4 hours later, she was born healthy 9 lbs and 23". im only 4'11 and before pregnancy 130.
the doc said that within 24 hours my body would have tried to push her out and she most likely would have not made it because my body was not open.
So i beg you, us mothers know our body; and when something is wrong. If you feel like something is wrong. DON'T GIVE UP MAKE THEM LISTEN! I WOULDNT HAVE MY DAUGHTER NOW IF I DIDN'T!!!!!!!
Im not trying to scare people out there, the docs know what they are doing but they are not inside our bodys; only we can really know when something is wrong. it is our job to make them listen.