2013-05-05 23:30:19 UTC
Also, I started my last period Thursday, April 25th and ended it on Sunday, April 29th and the unprotected almost-full on sex happened May 4th. I'm just trying to give as much information as I can so that I can get information in return.
Don't get me wrong I COMPLETELY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY understand that what we did was a mistake, and that not using protection put us at more of a risk of pregnancy... Me and my boyfriend are very mature and we should have been smart enough even in the heat of the moment to protect ourselves. So please, please don't think we weren't ready... we just weren't prepared. I trust him and love him with all my heart as does he. I will fully own up to what I did and take full responsibility of making a wrong decision.
If anyone could give me some information that would be REALLY helpful. In the morning I'm calling Planned Parenthood so that I can get my prescription for the pill just in case. I'm not looking for a peace of mind answer I'm looking for a real answer.
I am completely DESPERATE for help, if you could give me some information or someone to call I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you so much ♥