To make a point! Girls and guys tell the truth no smart answers!?
2007-08-14 10:55:18 UTC
What do u guys think of a girl that gives up sex so easy like on the first date or so. And ladys how do we talk about those girls that do this. This is just to make a point to these young foolish preteen and teen girls that should be holding off till they are older. Please dont answer smart or crazy make a point to these girls.
66 answers:
2007-08-14 11:04:01 UTC
I am seventeen and am in high school, going into full time college.

Believe me, any time my friends and I hear of girls we know having sex with everybody they meet, we think it is really bad. It's one of those "oh,so she's THAT kind of person" things, and it is NOT attractive! Even the ones who dress 'skanky' that we don't know about are always placed in the category of not-a-person-we-are-friends-with.

Even guys don't think it's attractive. Sure they might like the sex, but don't think that they are going to have a serious, longlasting relationship with these people. One night stands are just that. Forgotten in a week, except to maybe keep count of the girls they laid in the month.
2016-05-18 01:19:19 UTC
Ok this is in no way a relationship. If no one has asked either one out. I am pretty sure you guys are just friends right now and talking, it could go into more but right now you guys are just getting to know each other. I would not call this complicated yet. Complicated things usually happen after there's been a few fights and you guys were together but are taking a break or something like that. From here on out, I would try to get a better feel of how she feels about you. Some girls just don't know how to reject a guy so they go along with it forever... so you need to make sure that she likes you and then maybe you guys could go out on a date and then see where it goes.
2007-08-14 11:09:14 UTC
I always thought they was trashy.I don't care who their parents are or how much money they have it is just trashy. Yeah I did give into it and even though we used a condom and I took my birth control like a religion I still had a daughter at 17. I didn't get to do everything that everyone else did. I lost my figure and no matter how much you stick to a diet while pregnant you will still have a different body when your not. Not everything pops back. Some stuff never goes back to the way it was. Not to even think about the fact you will the easy girl in school. Once the guys know they can get it they only want to date you long enough to get what they want and then they go find someone who is gf material. I wish I would have waited. I have alot of friends who have waited til they got married and they have no regrets!
2007-08-14 11:11:07 UTC
Having sex on the first date establishes clearly that the relationship is based on sex. As such, most guys after this will either 1) lose interest because they got what they want and now they can move on to their next sexual target, or 2) keep coming back for more... more sex, that is. At this point the guy has conceptualized the girl as a sex object, not a person to relate to on a closer level. If a girl uses sex to attract a guy, then of course, it is the sex that's got his interest. If you want him interested in other aspects of your personality, THOSE are the things you need to use to draw him in, and make sex a non-factor until he's very much interested on a personal level without the promise of sex being the lure. As a guy I would say that girls should not have sex until they are 18. Even between 18-30 most girls are not emotionally mature enough to handle sex and wrongly believe that it can be exchanged for love.
2007-08-14 11:02:57 UTC
teen's and preteens that do this, do it for a reason. The reason is usually to fit in a group. They want to be liked or are just pretty much searching for acceptence/love. There are all kinds of names i can think of what other girls and boy's may call this teenage and preteenage girls but im not gonna say anything to hurt anyones feeling. This is not right and you shouldnt just have sex or sexual relations with anyone on the first date... or second....or third!!! You should wait until you have a relationship with this person before giving your body, yourself too this person you might not even know! Sex isnt the most important thing in life and you young preteen's and teen's should realize it!
2007-08-14 11:12:17 UTC
When I was younger, and now that I'm older too, I "give it up" to people I wanted to have sex with. It wasn't like I was being taken advantage of or pressured...

I was 16 when I lost my virginity and I knew all about condoms and b/c. I have never regreted anyone I've slept with unless the sex was terrible. Then my only regret was wasting my time.

I think there is a misconception that boys are always horny and push young girls into sex. For me, this was never the case. Did it ever occur to you that these girls might enjoy having sex? It does feel pretty good...

Sometimes we do it for the wrong reasons, but the desire is still there.

Preteen is WAY too young, and I have to blame the parents for that kind of behavior, but I believe that by age 16 or 17 a girl is fully competent to make her own decisions about relationships and sex.

My advice to young girls is this:

If you're old enough to have sex, you need to be fully prepared to accept any consequences that may arise, like pregnancy or STDs. If you feel that you can handle that, then go ahead...have sex if you so desire.
♥ Becky ♥
2007-08-14 11:07:48 UTC
Well thers no need for this!

im a teen my self

some may say they should be holding off

but if your in a relationship that youve been in for ages ( and im talking just over 10 months (maybe a year) ) then you dont no how lucky u are. to have a relationship with someone that long, whos suck wiht you through so much. you has loved you and you know will continue to do that. and when the question of sex comes up that its a decision you both make together

and were contraception

then i dont see why not

not at the age of 13... or 14

15 maybe

afterall 16 is the legal age

i take it that your old? (no offence) and probably believe in sex after marraige... well thats your own choice

now a days you can get a boyfriend that you choose ur self

ur parents have connections with his family

your parents think is a suitable match

the worlds moved on, maybe not for the better

and maybe the relationships arent as happy as they would of been in your day but to make a point by faulting peoples own decisions isnt soemthing you do..

its fair enough to give opinions

its fair enough to be for & against

but its not fair to make a point of ur own believe!

but i agree on the first date or so. it is pretty stupid it makes them out to be cheap....
2007-08-14 11:42:51 UTC
This is a very good question!! Thank you for asking! I always thought the 'worst' for the girls that engaged in sex at such a young age. I did think they were bad girls, until I was confronted with my own peer pressures. I had enough self esteem to say "NO" and hold to that decision. I will tell you ... I was given those bad names even not having sex and some people even accused me of having sex. I was truly embarrassed when a teacher asked to talk with me. Saying she heard I was pregnant. What a shock to me! Not many people believed me... but I did prove them all wrong. So I got to thinking... I prejudged many girls without knowing actual facts. I am sure some of them also did not engage in sex but rumors were made.

I am now 27, still single and not been sexual with any man. Looking back, I am truly glad I waited. Now my soon-to-be husband and I are relieved to know we both are disease free!! We can start our family together!
2007-08-14 11:05:00 UTC
I think that WOMEN have the right to have sex whenever they want, with whomever they please. I am 29, educated, single, and I make that choice myself. I don't tell other women what to do, and they should not make judgment calls on me. However, when it comes to young girls, this is not the case. Scientists have suggested that teen brains are not wired the same as ours. They cannot quite see ramifications of deleterious behavior. I didn't have sex until I was 21.....and I think I should have waited longer. These girls need to realize that they are not capable of having an adult relationship at their age, and as such, should wait until they are ready and able to deal with all aspects of physical involvement. Before sex, they should consider a few things:

1. Can you financially support a baby? Birth control can and does fail. Even if you opt for abortion, those are expensive. Do you feel comfortable discussing sex and birth control? Have you been to your gynecologist and had a pelvic exam?

2. Are you ready to deal with an STD? You can get them even with condoms. They will affect you for the rest of your life.

3. What if the guy you are sleeping with walks out on you and starts seeing your best friend tomorrow? Will you have regrets?

Wow hey to all of you people calling them whores, or whatever, are you perfect? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone......and I doubt you are the epitome of sainthood.
2007-08-14 11:06:35 UTC
I say it's a dangerous gamble, and the relationship will never be anything else than just sex. Why do think that they make a joke about it being folklore that a one night stand turned into a relationship. Plus, you'll get more in return if you make the guy work for it. Here's an example:

And this is straight from a guy's mouth that I know: He said, "Women could rule the world with their pu**ies. If they did, we'd have a lot more authority figures who were women, and men would just follow them around like puppies. They have no idea the power they carry between their legs!"

No sh*t... a guy that I know (who is acutally quite a womanizer) said that!

Think about it... it's true, and pretty powerful!
2007-08-14 11:07:36 UTC
I think that some personal experience when talking to girls helps. I know I was one of those girls once and fell for about any line I was given, since my mom never explained any differently, so maybe let girls know that real proof a guy loves them is he's willing to wait. Pressure is not proof of love and if they are not ready to accept all consequences that go along with such a decision, they should wait. Also, if a peer that has already made a choice and would be willing to open up to them about it, that could help too.
2007-08-14 11:12:00 UTC
These type of girls will defiantly wont get any respect from the guys they are with or anyone else around them for that matter. I don't know what makes girls act so promicious if its the attention there recieving its not possative attention . They should get the respect they need and deserve and they wont get it sleeping around that's for sure! They can truly miss out on a great relationships that offer so much more than flings that can ruin a reputation.
Answer Girl
2007-08-14 11:00:28 UTC
Giving it up on a first date is being pretty loose in my opinion, you will get a bad rep if a pre=teen or teen and all the boys will want a hit. it is never good to have sex unless you really know the person you are going to do it with and you have some trust there, there are all kinds of diseases waiting for the ill prepared.
Maggie May
2007-08-14 11:16:52 UTC
I think that a girl that gives up sex before marriage is setting herself up for a lot of grief and something she can never get back that was intended for the man she marries, her virginity. Women are not able to have sex without their emotions being involved. If they can, it's because they have turned them off after several painful affairs. What started such a promiscuous society was the argument that men can have sex with as many partners as they can get and no one blames them and women can't without being called easy and worse. And, it's not fair and it's not right but it will keep happening as long as so many girls will spread their legs and let a man have what he wants without responsiblilities to go with it. That is part of the downfall of our culture in letting men get away with not being responsible, not being committed, not being respectful and not being held accountable for their actions. But, when it comes to looking for a wife, what does a man prefer? A virgin. Go figure. After he has bedded as many as he can, he still would like to have a virgin for himself when he marries. Women should demand the same from men. Some of the most primitive societies in the world still require that their young people stay pure for marriage. We could learn a lot from them.
*~..Lamia Amorist..~*
2007-08-14 11:02:38 UTC
Concerning the question for the ladies, "How do we talk about those girls that do this?" let me give you this quote.

"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and small minds discuss people."

Talking about "these girls" will not better anyone, it will just spread about more negativity and I have no idea why anyone would want to sit and talk about such negative things. Your question should be how we can we help these girls? What kind of families do girls who behave this way grow up in? What causes this behavior? "Ideas" on better the situation would be more appropriate of a question, not "how to talk about these girls" because that's just an appalling question in itself.

Regardless of your opinion of what these girls are doing, you have no right to judge them as a whole. Every girl is different and has her own reason why she behaves in such a respect and it's not your place to place judgement when you don't understand the entire situation.

And no, I'm not one of these girls - I was 21 and engaged when I first got pregnant, but this is just my thought.
2007-08-14 11:08:03 UTC
I think it is up to each person to make that decision for them self. I lost the big V when I was 14 and I was very easy thru High School. I think I would have been much better off focusing all that energy into something to better myself. I should have worked out or focused my energy into photography. The sex WONT make them like you more, ESPECIALLY with the younger guys it makes them loose respect for you.
2007-08-14 11:01:19 UTC
every one has there own ideas of what love is..the ones that give it up to soon dont have any ambitian and feel no love from the ones that should be loving them there family..they will be the ones preganant before 20 w/no idea of job or life..been 45 now but i had 3 kids by the time i was 19 and i was looking for love the wrong way..
Nicky C
2007-08-14 11:04:13 UTC
I think if girls actually knew how they'd feel before giving up too soon, too young, too early, they wouldn't do it. I think that those who do are looking for love, affection and attention they aren't getting elsewhere. If we were taking better care of our children this wouldn't even be an issue. Look how many products on TV use sex to sell their wares. When parent's are there to guide their children and teach them, what do we expect?
2007-08-14 11:37:50 UTC
Curiousity just gets the better of most people. I'm sure it got you a couple times too. lol. I know I have but I was over 18. That's true though, it's smart to wait. You just never know about the other person. They can turn out to be real sleaze-balls.
2007-08-14 11:02:02 UTC
in our age in age now.

alot of teens think sex it "okay"

which it isnt at all.

and alot of teens think.

oh if i have it then.

i will be popular.

because all the "preps" are doing it.

everyone dosnt realize that.

not everyone is going around doing it.

alot of the times its not true.

but it is better to wait till your with the right person.and be married.if you go and have a kid at teenage years it can mess up your life very badly.

becoming pregnant at a young age is bad for most people.alot of people look at you differently.

like teachers,workers and other people.

and most of the time teens cant finish school and get a good job to support them selves and the babby.

so it is just better to wait till you are happily married.
jean reno
2007-08-14 11:03:25 UTC
i think any girl can give it up on the first date, all it takes is for her to meet the right guy, the right guy being a guy she feels for so much that she is willing to do anything for him, this can happen to any girl imo even girls who are usually smart and level headed as i say only takes her to meet the right guy and feel the right way about him. and personaly i see no shame in it. although it should always be legal and safe.
2007-08-14 11:03:01 UTC
It is very bad they will say anything i mean anything and they are doing this to more than one girl at the same time.Once they give it up you are instantly hurt and feel dirty.

It is the game of seeing if they can get you to say yes.They do not know you so they definitly don't value your self worth.

These are cute guys and ugly ones.Because he is cute does not make you feel better when you find out he is just thinking of himself. Ouchee!!!!!!!
2007-08-14 11:05:25 UTC
I personally did not have sex until I was 18 and 1 week before I got married to my husband. I also thought that the girls were easy and skanky. My husband doesn't think that women/girls who are easy are attractive because they are so unconfident with themselfs that they are looking for love and affection from someone else!
2007-08-14 11:04:47 UTC
In my school there's a name for these girls. We call them sluts or whores. I know it sounds bad, but by having sex their just proving our point. I actually have a guy friend and we've talked about this. He said he'd probably never call her again and would DEFINTLEY not have her as a GF. He said a girl who waits until they're really in love would be more memrobale than any 1 night stand.
2007-08-14 11:08:38 UTC
i think really your question is rather dumb why do you say "girl", your making it sound like its okay for a guy to sleep on the first date, i don't judge people I'm not like that and if they decide to do that, no one should talk about it because its no ones business except for the 2 people who do that, and i think its okay as long as they have safe sex.
Just a Girl
2007-08-14 11:00:14 UTC
Well I think that peer pressure and curiosity gets in their heads and takes over...and yes I agree that some children are foolish in their choices...but they learn whats right the hard way.
Kali's Mom
2007-08-14 11:03:38 UTC
I would think these girls probably have a lack of respect for themselves and their actions make them lose the respect of others.
Ashley P
2007-08-14 11:01:05 UTC
I think they will end up looking back on their younger years with regret. If you are sharing yourself with the world, then why would a good guy - a guy whose worthy of you - want anything to do with you? Girls like that are just setting themselves up for disappointment later in life. They will find that the men they end up with later on treat them like dirt. They really could do better.
2007-08-14 11:03:31 UTC
Girls who have sex knowing the guy that short of a period i believe she has no self respect for herself!! Guys will eventually call them sluts, whores, or ho's.....I think young girls should not do this until THEY ARE POSITIVELY READY!! NO PRESSURE!!! They need to respect themselves enough to say No...A bit of advice my mother gave me... if they say well i love you and keep pushing themselves on you, Say well if you love me then you will wait!!
2007-08-14 10:59:47 UTC
I think girls who give it up on the first date are easy and sleezy. I'm very traditional when it comes to sex, so I look down at girls who do this. Just the way I am and how I roll.
2007-08-14 11:11:19 UTC
Girls who put out on first date are stupid most guys are just using them. My friend just got pregnant and her boy fried broke up with her for it.
Jay L
2007-08-14 10:59:39 UTC
It all comes down the saying, "Why buy the cow (get married), when you can get the milk for free (get laid).

If you don't have to work at a relationship, then it's going to be a short one. But, if that's all that you are looking for, then fine. Have fun, but be safe.
oh purleeeeze
2007-08-14 11:00:51 UTC
i really feel quite sorry for these kids 2day....i would never give myself up on a first, second OR third date.....i would tell them to have some self respect please!a guy will def respect you more for it,and will view you as a more serious long time partner surely?
just wants to know
2007-08-14 11:02:13 UTC
Since you want honesty, I just want to say that it may be impossible to make a point this way, but it's nice that you're trying. To answer your question, women call easy girls "sluts," "whores," or worse.
Catie F
2007-08-14 11:05:21 UTC
theyre stupid. and wasteful. i'm gonna be able to say to my husband, "i waited for you, doll" and thats all i know. if you wanna have one of those cheesy, unimportant and completely unspecial lives, YOU DESERVE EVERY DESEASE AND UGLY BABY YOU GET!!! i mean think of the poor child, who wants a gross mom who only thought of her own brief pleasure? sickos. if all you care about is sex and give away yourself at a young age, you dont know what love is. as for you fourteen year old virgin, KEEP IT UP!!
2007-08-14 11:00:44 UTC
I think by directing this question only at girls, you perpetuate the stereotype that its something wrong girls do but not something wrong (I didnt say right) the boys do. Therefore contributing to the problem.
Charles R
2007-08-14 11:00:17 UTC
Personally, as a man, i only look for a women with a brain in her head and makes good and bright choices....

... and unfortunatly you cant find that anymore in washington :(
2007-08-14 11:02:15 UTC
um im gay so i guess ill answer from a guys POV

i think its slutty n it doesnt make me wanna b with them

i mean if there that easy i most likly wont b there first or there last

its not attractive n it may feel good or w/e but thats temporary

who wants to date the neighborhood slut?
The Chaotic Darkness
2007-08-14 11:01:45 UTC
To me if you give it up so easy then I take it as both I'm lucky that night and the girl is a whore if you're legal of course.
2007-08-14 10:58:43 UTC
That's really for their parents to do, dear. I don't think strangers on yahoo answers will change the direction of the moral compass of some young girl.
2007-08-14 11:14:29 UTC


2007-08-14 11:02:49 UTC
I think they are lacking in self esteem. They are looking for sex to raise that self esteem because to them it indicates they are desirable.
Andy's Mom
2007-08-14 11:02:04 UTC
Well I cannot make the point you want to get across, becuase I have done it, and it has not harmed me in anyway
2007-08-14 11:00:11 UTC
they are young and dumb, no matter what you say an adult answer is "wrong" to them and they will do wahtever to prove you wrong, like having sex on the first date and keeping hte boyfriend for a whole month! that would be an accomplishment to them. hopefully somewher ein their brain they jus tclose their legs and wait, they will thank themselves for it later..
Joshua B
2007-08-14 10:59:00 UTC
I never went out with girls like that. I always thought of them, and still think of them, as walking disease farms. If you want to catch an STD, you know where to go.
2007-08-14 10:58:58 UTC
Can't really preach as I've done it myself. Looking back I know it was wrong. All I can say is stay safe!
OOO! I know! I know!
2007-08-14 11:01:02 UTC
There's no repect in being an easy girl, or guy for that matter.
2007-08-14 10:58:49 UTC
Well I gave up on 3rd date and he is my fiancee sooo I guess yea LOL! It just depends...
2007-08-14 10:59:45 UTC
i think a girl that gives it up easily has self esteem issues and is trying to be liked for whatever reason. as for talking about her i think you shouldn't. her issues should be addressed but not by ruining her reputation further.
2007-08-14 10:59:39 UTC
guys only want to get with them for sex then they move onto the next whore that will put out on the first date.. it means nothing to the guys, only an easy lay...
2007-08-14 10:58:37 UTC
male and females believe they are "sluts". Bad idea for you young girls to have sex so early- you make people have lack of respect for you!
2007-08-14 11:00:18 UTC

I don't talk anything about people doing that.

Bahahaha that's funny though.
2007-08-14 10:59:05 UTC
im 13...and we talk about those girls as one should give it up easy...unless your a whore haha no wait till your ready
2007-08-14 10:58:09 UTC
i like her it's no one else's business is it???? i just wait until I trust her enough she's disease free and ALWAYS LEGAL.
2007-08-14 10:59:43 UTC
thats their buissness

if they want to get prego at 14 then let them

aids at 15? their loss

just let them be
2007-08-14 10:59:34 UTC
Guys think you are a s.lut and that is all you are good for.

and we talk about how they are whores, that's it, that's all.

Im out.
˚despeяate housewife˚
2007-08-14 11:02:33 UTC
They are complete whores..
2007-08-14 10:59:52 UTC
whats the question? i dont get it. and i'm 14 and i'm still a virgin.
2007-08-14 10:58:50 UTC
don't answer smart huh? well don't worry the dumb answers will be here soon enough

why is this in pregnancy
2007-08-14 11:01:27 UTC
they should wait until they are married
2007-08-14 11:05:48 UTC
They is ho's
2007-08-14 10:59:55 UTC
Everyone thinks they're sluts.
2007-08-14 10:58:22 UTC
I wish I could find more of them. (Not a smart answer)
2007-08-14 11:00:27 UTC
guys like them girls but they rnt girls we luv if u get wat i mean
Lorelei's Mommy ( & prego)
2007-08-14 10:59:10 UTC
it's not ur business..are u one of them?
2007-08-14 10:58:23 UTC
they're dirty scank bags ok?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.