do female dogs do anything odd around you when you are pregnant?
2006-03-27 00:06:16 UTC
do female dogs do anything odd around you when you are pregnant?
Six answers:
2006-03-27 00:13:02 UTC
they become very protective of you, follow you around the house and such, the also become really affectionate like put their head in you lap and always want pets, dogs are not only loyal to men but woman's as well ,they have instinct when it comes to stuff like pregnancy's. sometimes it can be a little annoying to have them at you feet all the time but they are just tring to help comfort you. They want to make sure nothing happens to you and if someone moves the wrong way around you they might get bit ,my boyfriend reached across me on day to grab the remote, and our dog snapped at him, i think he just moved to quickly, she probably thought he was tring to hit me,even though he has never done that, she was just protecting the prego!i couldn't type fast enough and didn't get the first answer o'well life go's on(damn)
Emma Monkey
2006-03-27 08:09:05 UTC
Definitely, in fact a dog will know you are pregnant before you do. Mine stopped jumping up at my friend when she walked through the door, that's how I knew she was pregnant! They will spend more time around you, basically they want to look after you, it's like a pregnancy brings out a dog's maternal instincts and they look after the mother cos the child's inside her.
Wkd fraggle
2006-03-27 10:06:53 UTC
Cats and dogs can apparently hear the babys heart beat! How true this is i dont know! Some one told me this when i was pregnant and their cat and dog passed out on my feet!
2006-03-27 08:09:14 UTC
My mother, when she was pregnant with my sister, her dog was very protective. And haited my father (lol) and would bark and growl at him. She knewshe was having a baby and wanted to make sure that no one hurt her. Kinda sweet I think.
2006-03-27 08:16:46 UTC
it just consider what type of dog my sisters dog started barking and wanted to bite her when she was pregnant we had to get rid of the dog until after she was pregnant
2006-03-27 08:11:03 UTC
yes they do

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