I got pregnant with my ex. I’m 27 and About 16 weeks at the moment with my first pregnancy. My ex is 35. He’s not a good partner and not supportive of my needs during the pregnancy. He is very selfish and has a hard time feeling any empathy for me like one night I felt very sick with morning sickness and he tried to have sex with me and when I said no I didn’t feel well he just turned around and started jerking off and said “there’s no reason for the both of us to be miserable”. He acts like a jerk and doesn’t wanna join any family dinners or events or meet and talk to my family. Even though he claims he wants to be together and be a family and is very thrilled for the baby. He is even threatening court and fighting for custody when we get into arguements. Yet he doesn’t wanna contribute to any part of the pregnancy. He doesn’t come to doc apts, he doesn’t help financially, and he gives no moral support. He just causes me stress constantly and argues with me. I don’t want him part of our lives but he demands rights to his baby and I don’t think it’s fair for him to skate by and help with nothing during my pregnancy and then when the baby is born I just hand my child over to him as if he deserves any part of my baby. What can I do besides move out of state?