I think it's a form of oneupmanship. Nobody ever did that to me. If someone does that to you, just tell them you don't want to discuss it. If they persist, walk away.
The only time I think amniotic fluid would tend to be a problem like that, would be during an abortion. You don't REALLY know what caused the death of her friend's daughter; it's all hearsay.
I have had five children. I know for a fact that pain is not inevitable. Get good training in labor beforehand. If you go to a Lamaze class, they'll tell you to expect pain. I don't agree with that approach. Expect PRESSURE. Of my five, I had three pain-free (and the doctor in my first birth gave me anesthesia against my will, too fast for me to object). I had mild pain with one and moderate pain with another (because I had a health problem). Pain usually only occurs during the last hour or two if you are properly trained to relax, and it's intermittent so you can catch your breath in between. But I had three of my babies at home. That's the way to go, in my opinion!
One other thing: most women reach a point in labor when they think they can't do it anymore. This is a sign they are about to go into second stage, and the birth is imminent. It should be a sign of rejoicing that you will soon have your baby in your arms.
Ask your doctor about it beforehand, but get plenty of exercise. Walking and swimming are both good. These will strengthen your heart. Pain is caused by lack of oxygen to the uterus, usually, and if you have a strong heart, it will pump against the pressure and get plenty of blood into the area. Also, if your doctor/midwife will allow you to sip electrolyte water, that can probably help. I use EmergenC or the other electrolyte product from Alacer to put the electrolytes into water. Labor is an athletic exercise. You should prepare for any athletic event. People can have pain from running a marathon without adequate preparation, too. And don't let the staff mess with you during labor. Don't lie flat on your back. Hospitals like to make birth into a medical event. This is SUCH a distortion of reality. Birth can be one of the most profoundly exciting and joyful occasions in life. Talk to yourself and prepare yourself for this. Whatever you think will affect your outlook. Read homebirth stories online.
A lot depends on who you associate with. I associated with midwifery students and ladies who were planning homebirths or who had given birth at home.
I don't think anybody has a right to touch your body without your permission. Think ahead of time for some good comebacks. Be prepared.