How accurate are 20 week ultra sounds?
2009-06-23 21:02:45 UTC
I'm have my 20 week ultra sound scheduled for July 15th and they are going to, hopefully, be able to tell me what I'm having =) Only problem is.. I'm super nervous!
If all goes well and the baby cooperates how accurate are these ultra sounds?? I'm so scared that they'll say "its a girl" and it pop out a boy or vice versa..
Eeeek =/
Eight answers:
Aimee's Mommy
2009-06-23 21:16:06 UTC
The scan will probably take forever. I can't remember how long mine took. Take the time to get comfortable and ask for a quick break to let the blood get flowing in the middle or you will get dizzy from laying on your back. Just long enough to sit up for a bit. Also expect to be really uncomfortable and have to pee like a race horse by the time you are done because they have you drink a lot of water before. They didn't look for sex until the end of my exam so be prepared to be patient. They have to check growth and position and heart rate and about a million other things to make sure everything is healthy. I had a grouchy tech. so just try to make the best of it if that's the case and enjoy getting to see your baby because it is going to be one of the last times until it is born. As far as sex goes. Ask how sure the tech is if you have any doubts. When my OBGYN did a quick scan at the end of my pregnancy to make sure she was in a good position I had him double check the sex so I wouldn't have any surprises. Good luck and have fun!
Noah Benjamin born 07/22/2009
2009-06-23 21:07:21 UTC
They're pretty accurate, as long as the baby doesn't have their legs closed. There are some cases where they're wrong. I'm actually worrying about it really bad right now, since I've already picked out all boy stuff... but his manly parts are pretty obvious in the ultrasound. Good luck!

Here it is if you want to see it.

(It's from his bottom up point of view.)

OH, and mine was 20 weeks exactly.
2009-06-23 21:10:15 UTC
It depends. If the baby is laying with its legs really open you can be really certain. THe first time I got my ultrasound and they could see the sex which was around the same time as yours I asked the girl "How sure are you?" She pointed out the parts to me and it was a little girl for sure. After that visit i made sure to ask every ultrasound for them to check. Good luck this is the fun part! Enjoy:)
Proud mommy to Alexander
2009-06-23 21:11:18 UTC
sometimes girls can be tricky, my cousin was told that she was having a girl at her 20 wk u/s and when she gave birth, out came a boy, so it can be wrong, but if the baby's legs are spread wide open during the u/s, they can be pretty accurate as to what you are having and it's really hard to mistaken a boy. lol. At my u/s appt, my boy was flashing the world I think. hehe! Good luck at your u/s!!! It's such an exciting time!!!
2009-06-23 21:11:31 UTC
Most of the time they are accurate. With my first daughter they told me at 17 weeks she was a girl. With my second daughter they told me she was boy the whole time, and she ended up being a girl, but that doesn't usually happen! Have a girls name and a boys name picked out! Now I am 20 weeks pregnant with quadruplets, and the doctor said they will be girl, boy, boy, girl, and he said he is 99.9% positive!

Good luck!

Help me name my quads, please:
2009-06-23 21:06:51 UTC
Pretty accurate..I had mine at 19wks and it was VERY apparent she was a girl..I had seen 2 of my friends US pics that had girls so as soon as she FINALLY turned I knew, I yelled "it's a girl" and my mom and the father were like how do you know that so I pointed at the vagina...There's either going to be 3 lines or a weenie, it will be very clear!

Good Luck!
2009-06-23 21:17:07 UTC
I found out during my 17th week. We had another ultrasound at week 27 and it was still a girl :)
2009-06-23 21:13:34 UTC
its really accurate if they can get a clear picture of your baby

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