How or When did you find out you were Pregnant?
Ryans Mom
2006-03-30 19:39:47 UTC
We had been trying for a long time. I had decided that I would try not to stress about our pregnancy failures any more and I actually quit monitoring my ovulations. It seems as soon as that happened I got pregnant! In fact I didn't know that I was, and we went to a long awaited Elton John concert and I thought I got my period at the concert. Grrrrr!!! Come to find out, it wasn't my period but just light bleeding from the egg implanting itself in my uterus. A couple weeks later I got the happiest surprise of my life when got a positive home pregnancy test!!! My baby is now 3 1/2 years old.
Ten answers:
2006-04-08 20:02:43 UTC
When i was pregnant i was only 14 years old, and found out when i was 15 old years old.Still in school,doing my favorite sport running track and everything. I had sex on Valentines day and from then on everything changed missing my periods, and gaining weight not even knowing because i was young.Finding when your pregnant at 4 months is hard, and suprising to "everybody"! Making decisions and keeping my baby and giving up alot of things. Giving birth at 15 years of age to a 6pd 11 ounces baby girl. Now i am 17 years old and i dont regret one thing.Just being proud to be a mother.
2006-03-31 05:11:46 UTC
It was a week before this past Holloween (2005). I was home and felt a little sick and actually threw up. Most of the day I was very nauseated and only felt better when I took some Tums. I took a test before work, and yes, it was positive. Called my hubby and scared him half to death. He didn't want to take the chance with 99% percent aceuracy of the test even though I did take a second test to make sure with him there. A visit to the family doctor confirmed everything.

My husband and I had been trying for the past year and a half. I am overweight, and so was dieting at that time and I had lost 30 pounds. My periods were irregular, with only five in the past year.

I am now due for a July baby.
Jessica W
2006-03-31 03:47:21 UTC
A week after Thanksgiving. We drove to my father-in-laws for Thanksgiving and I needed to make a lot of stops along the way (8 hour drive). My mother-in-law asked me if I was pregnant yet and I said no. A week after we got home, I was at the grocery store and grabbed a test. I was never regular, but couldn't remember the last time I had a period. Took the test when I got home. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I was ELATED!! My daughter will be 4 this July. She was the best surprise I have ever received.
Killer Curvz
2006-03-31 04:48:07 UTC
We had been trying for quite a while to get pregnant, with one pregnancy ending in an early miscarriage. The doctor said to wait 6 months and we did. We had decided to wait a few months longer because I had a family reunion to go to in June of 05 and I didn't want to miss it. Sure enough, come october 04, I took a pregnancy test the day my period was due just to see if I would need to bring pads with me to where I was going and surprise, I was pregnant! Needless to say I missed my reunion, which ended june 19th and my son was born on the 24th. He's 9 months old now and HUGE!!
2006-03-31 03:52:50 UTC
My husband and I got married October 2004 after being together for over 2 years. After we came back from our honeymoon I just felt weird. I was tired all the time and I ached all over. I had always had an irregular period (in fact at one point of time I was told I would never have children). Out of shear curiosity I went to the dollar store and picked up a box of HPT. I took one and right away it showed up positive. I seriously sat on the toilet for about 15 minutes with my jaw dropped just staring at it! 2 weeks later I had my first appointment and scheduled my first ultrasound. Come to find out I was almost 11 weeks along! My son is now almost 10 months old and I love him sooo much!
2006-04-03 09:27:33 UTC
During this past spring break I realized that my period had been late. I made my BF aware and we waited out a few more days to see if it might come so we wouldn't get all excited for nothing. After spring break was done and oer with I went and purchased a test. We took two tests and they both came out positive. We were shocked like we didn't know it was a possiblity but happier than ever!!!
2006-03-31 05:02:05 UTC
i have 3 kids..with the first two they were pretty simple just a home test kit.

but with my 3rd..i went to a free pregnancy clinic and got tested i was 10 days late..

i got tested and they told me it was neg..i left and started to cry, not so much that is was neg but because i felt so strong that it should have said positive.

so i told my husband and he told me to go buy a couple from a store, but he did this just to calm me down...he thought i was just being irrational....

well when i came home i went in and took one and it came out pos...then took another and another he handed me more cash and sent me to the store for more tests...

he was in such shock he didn't just want 1 or 2 tests to say yes...

well our son is now 10 months old.
2006-03-31 03:46:13 UTC
I had bought a home pregnancy test(which said negative)so i went to the doctor a couple of days later and suprise,suprise.It turns out i had low hormones which home tests wont detect.
2006-03-31 04:10:15 UTC
I found out on Dec 23 that I was pregnant. That was a Christmas present that my boyfriend and I will never forget, not to mention my parents. In a few short months, I'll have my first child.
2006-03-31 04:15:12 UTC
Aww. What a cute story. I was at work and got into an argument with my husband about taking a pregnancy test. I was still arguing with my husband on the phone while taking the pregnancy test...LOL. When it said positive, we immediately stopped yelling each other, started saying I love you to each other.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.