Am I Preganat?
Kitty Kat
2007-08-17 09:43:25 UTC
I'm 15 and have been on the pill for nearly 3 years now. I have always had a period 2-3 days after my last pill. Me and my boyfriend had sex about 15 days before my last pill but the condom broke just as he was taking himself out. Most of the sperm stayed in the condom but some did go in me. I washed as much of it out as possible but I'm scared I may have been too late. My period was due three days ago and I'm usually on at some point during the morning but haven't had anything. I've heard that stress can cause you to miss periods and I have been rather stressed of late. I've not felt sick or anything and my breasts are normal but I'm just scared because my periods have never been irregular before. Can anyone help??
55 answers:
2007-08-17 09:50:32 UTC
some people are so you are on the pill....AND using condoms....good for you...yes there is a chance you could be pregnant, but there is also a chance that you are late because of stress....give it another day or so and if youo still havent come on get yourself a test and do it in the morning, when your hormone levels are at the highest and should give you a more accurate reading....good luck hun
2007-08-17 10:12:32 UTC
Ok just because she has been on the pill since 13 doesn't mean it was so she could have sex that young!! Birth control pills are also used for other purposes such as regulating periods and for acne. And no matter how many people pass moral judgment on her, I say kudos for at least having the sense to use not one but TWO forms of birth control!! Having said that:

The Pill is 92-99.7% effective as birth control. Missing a period does not always mean that you are pregnant. If you do miss a period, think about how likely a pregnancy is. Also consider the risks related to continuing birth control pills. Pregnancy is more likely:

in the first few months of Pill use

if you missed taking any Pills

if you are taking another medication (especially antibiotics)

if you have been sick (vomiting and/or diarrhea)

If you forgot one or more pills and do not have a period that month, then you SHOULD go and take a test.
2007-08-17 09:51:33 UTC
If you have been on the pill for 3 years straight, it is doubtful that you would get pregnant from one incident like this. I am glad that you are using condoms in addition to the pill. Stress can cause this, and you are obviously stressed. Get a 2-pack of tests so you can take one now and take another in a week if you still haven't gotten your period.
2007-08-17 11:32:47 UTC
Take a home pregnancy test there's always a small chance u could be as I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant and was on the pill and never missed one!!!

To those on here slating this girl coz she's been on the pill since she was 12/13 what makes you think it was given to her for contraceptive reasons????? Assuming some of you never thought that doctors prescribe the pill for heavy and painful periods!!!!! So stop judging the poor girl!!!!
danielle m
2007-08-17 09:51:53 UTC
well some of those answers were kind of rude. 15 is kind of young but it happens at least youre being safe. yes stress can cause you to be very late. i was on the pill for 5 years and my periods were normally on time like yours like three days after the last month i went up until the last sugar pill at midnight the night before i was supposed to start a new pack and it came. dont worry too much....just stay calm. and dont take a test until the new pack was supposed to start! but be sure not to start that pack until your period comes. and if you do end up pregnant dont listen to other people and automatically go for adoption. I know girls your age that had to become parents and did ok. i hope this helps...***oh if you do take a test too early like before the next pack was supposed to start you could get a false positive or negative. **and to all who say youre disgusting for having sex at 13!! NEWSFLASH just because youve been on the pill since 13 doesnt mean you were having sex!!! i was on the pill at 13 to help with menstral cramps!! some people are just rude!!
2007-08-18 04:39:53 UTC
If you are taking your pill properly then you should be ok. A lot of people are giving you a hard time for having sex but i would like to say well done for being sensible enough to use not one but two forms of contraception. It is probably the stress of not knowing that is making you late but to be sure you should take a pregnancy test. You can have one done at your local family planning clinic or your doctors or get a home pregnancy test from boots/superdrug or any chemist.

Good Luck.
2007-08-17 10:01:18 UTC
Can't say anything without having a test . First thing only you can do is, do the pregnancy test at home only . Just buy a pregnancy test strips from any Medical store and follow the instructions and get it done at home only.

Its my personal advice to you for further if anything would happen wrong like condom broke etc. then there is tablet available in any medical store which you have to take within a 72 hours from the time of sex you have done. that will help to stop the unwanted pregnancy.

I wish for you not to get pregnant and don't do this blunder mistake again.
2007-08-17 10:14:49 UTC
Just take a test that is the only way to know for sure. You are probably just stressing yourself out about it and that is what is causing your period to be late. 13 is a very young age to be put on birth control I hope it was to regulate your periods and not because you were having sex. 15 is still to young to be having sex but at least you are being careful about it by being on birth control & using a condom. Good luck
2007-08-17 09:49:55 UTC
You should be fine. The pill is 99.9% effective. YES stress will delay it. The first time I had sex I was worried that I was pregnant (the only difference is, we don't use condoms and I'm 23). Even before I started having sex with him I would get very stressed out with school and stuff and would miss my period. Just relax. Wait a few more days...if nothing, take a test =)

PS: glamdoll...not being able to spell pregnant doesn't protect you from it.
2007-08-17 12:37:45 UTC
I'm 26 and 4 months pregnant for the 1st time and i didn't get sick until i was about 7 weeks and i didn't get sore boobs until i was atleast 5-6 weeks pregnant - you could possibly be pregnant you will need to take a test if your late for your period. don't listen to judgemental people on this site i'm sure they've all got skeltons in the cupboard and wouldn't have the balls to admit they were young and naieve, but just a bit of non-offensive advice please do not let anyone use you. you do seem to be sexually active very young but as long as your careful about sleeping with people unless you are in a long term relationship and know someone inside out before you have sex with them - and please remember there are a lot of other things that can happen like sexually transmitted diseases and most can possibly stop you from becoming pregnant later on in life when you are ready for a family - believe me boys will respect you if you don't let them use you
2007-08-17 10:04:41 UTC
has anyone that's calling her realised that maybe she was typing quickly and didn't realise she spelt it wrong? stop being nasty to her and help her, you're no one to judge. it's her life, her choice and at least she's ON the pill.. so stop moaning! plus what are you there to do... answer her question or moan and moan.. when it won't make a difference?!

chick i'd go get a home pregnancy test, if you're too scared to do it or think they won't sell you it just ask your boyfriend to? he'd do it if he cared. :)

if you're still worried go see your GP, don't worry about them mentioning that you're underage blah blah blah, they'll probably tell you that it's illegal and stuff but i promise you they won't sit there saying stuff like people have on here!

so yeah, home pregnancy test.. then if you're still worried.. it's time to go to a GP :)

but really just stop stressing about it, my friend has had regular periods for years and found herself in a similar position, then she missed a period and got really stressed which delayed the period even more! turned out she was fine.. and she had a normal one a couple of days later :):)

hope everything turns out ok!


x x x x
2007-08-17 10:00:46 UTC
Please ignore the negativity, i was prescribed the pill at a young age because my periods were so erratic and heavy...

You may actually be pregnant, i honestly can not tell you you are not. I would go to the doctors and find out.

And relax the stress is not helping, if you are pregnant you have many options and whatever you chose it is not the end of your life.

Good luck and well done for actually using contraception, most girls your age don't.
Noah's Mommy
2007-08-17 09:51:14 UTC
Just take a deep breath. I gnore the people talking Sh**. Wait a week and take a pregnancy test. What happened with me i took a pregnancy test to early and i got a negative result. Well it turns out I am pregnant. If you don't know how or where to get a pregnancy test, just go to your neighborhood free clinic or planned parthood. They can explain things to you and help. But if you don't wann go that route, just buy any pregnancy test (they are all the same) and just read the instructions. It's pretty easy. GOOD LUCK!
Desmond D
2007-08-17 10:36:22 UTC
You sound like another Council House statistic.

When I was 15 I thought I was old enough for sex, but eventually realised that I was underage for a reason. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 21; I'm 28 now. Looking back I'm glad I didn't follow my sexual urges when I was your age.

At the end of the day it's your Parents' fault for not teaching you the reality of sex.
2007-08-17 09:53:22 UTC
You are disgusting if you've been having sex since the age of 13. You are still a child yourself and everytime you have sex, your risking bringing a child into this world, Women all over are getting pregnant even though they take birth control all the time, and condoms aren't 100% either they could have a microscopic hole in one of them that you use and a spermy or 2 maybe 3 or 4 escaped into you from the condom, then WHAM your pregnant. children shouldn't being having sex, why, because children shouldn't be giving birth to children, that's just wrong. I'm sorry if I sound rude. It just seems like young GIRLS not women, are getting knocked up and maybe they are in a serious relationship or maybe they are just the High School ****... and maybe they are gross and dating a man who is 20 something. You need to GROW UP BEFORE YOU KEEP HAVING SEX.
2007-08-17 10:01:32 UTC
Jeez, you hit puberty and they instantly put you all the pill. That is sad. Anyways it's probably stress. I doubt your pregnant. But let this this be a lesson to you, you are way to young to handle the responsiblity of being a mom so and since nothing is 100% effective you should not be having sex yet.
2007-08-17 09:51:09 UTC
Douching (washing out after sex) Doesn't help at all. So take a test in a few more days.

Also....Wtf? Why are you having sex at 13 in the first place?(yeah, i know your 15) If becoming a teenage mother and possible getting an std that young really worth doing it with someone who you wont stay with for long?
2007-08-17 09:48:46 UTC
Your ok.. If you took the pill right. If you missed more than 2 days in one months it could lead to pregnancy. But I honestly think your just late. I skipped last months period for no reason! I wasn't pregnant, and yes It could not be coming because your so stressed over it. I really think your ok. I mean.. if you take the pill right.. it works!!

good luck! ^_^
2007-08-17 09:47:44 UTC
Sounds like stress. I don't know if you can but buy a test more then likely your just stressing cause the condom broke. If you didn't skip any pills or on any antibiotics you should be fine.
Stephanie C
2007-08-17 09:54:55 UTC
So you are old enough to have sex but not old enough to get yourself to your GP or your local family planning clinic to find out? Get yourself some help ASAP or at least buy a test. How on earth can we tell you if you are pregnant?! Are we magicians? Having sex is fun but it is also an activity which requires being responsible and mature. At 15 you ought to be having fun not worrying about being pregnant or not!!! Sad....... By the way, having sex at 15 is illegal! Your bf could be prosecuted and done for rape - I suggest you use your time getting an education and spending time with friends instead of having sex.
2007-08-17 09:48:56 UTC
I would think your pretty safe, because you are on the pill. (you didnt miss any pills tho right?) Your period is probaly just late b/c you are stressing over getting it. Just relax and it will probaly come on by itself. However; if you dont get your period in the next few days I would check with the doc for a blood test.
2007-08-17 09:59:57 UTC
Hi, first of all whatever your age, well done for having safe sex.

Pregnancy is a BIG thing to happen to women at any age - hence one of the reasons it is illegal to have underage sex.

I would think you are safe this time, it is probably down to stress, but it's important you take a test / see the doctor to rule out pregnancy.
2007-08-17 09:55:01 UTC
First, you are too young to be having sex but at least you were taking precautions towards preventing pregnancy. I can commend you for that. Stressing over whether or not you are pregnant can delay your period so to ease your mind, you may want to schedule an appointment at the doctor's office or go to the nearest Planned Parenthood facility in your area to take a pregnancy test. It's better to be in the know of whether you're pregnant or not so that you can better take care of yourself and the baby, and look at the options as far as keeping your child or adoption.

If you are not pregnant, look at this a message and a blessing. You're too young to have a child and should focus on finishing school so that one day, when you have children, you can better provide for them.

Good luck and God bless.
2007-08-17 09:51:14 UTC
"Preganat" ?? Instead of having sex, you should spend more time paying attention to your schoolwork, in particular, spelling.

Fifteen year old girls shouldn't even be having sex in the first place. Maybe this situation will scare you enough to get you off your back and get your head into your school books. What kind of a doctor would prescribe birth control pills for a 12 year old ? He should have his licensed pulled. Go to a gynecologist, and keep your damn legs closed until you're old enough and responsible enough to have sex, then maybe you won't get preganat.
2007-08-17 09:47:49 UTC
You are 15
2007-08-17 09:51:21 UTC
If you are on the pill and have not skipped any pills, then you probably are not pregnant. The pill is very effective unless you have taken other medications that could interfere with it. Also, it is not possible to "wash it out".
2007-08-17 09:51:15 UTC
if you are on the pill and have been taking it regularly you shouldnt be pregnant, however there is also a risk that the pill may of not worked. take a test sweetie, its the only way you will know and its better to put your mind at rest than panic. good luck.
2007-08-17 10:00:29 UTC
You coul dbe pregnant. I got pregnant on the pill. You need to relax because otherwise yes stress can make it late. I would not worry until you dont get it at all durng the week of your sugar pills. Goodluck.
2007-08-17 11:00:25 UTC
It sounds like PMS or stress, but get a test anyway.

To all of those who are saying 'go and play with your dolls' and 'go back to school', school does not start until the first week of September, you numpties! Teenagers do not play with dolls either. As a child (5-12) I preferred train sets to dolls. Don't assume that all girls play with dolls.
lanessa marquee
2007-08-17 09:50:51 UTC
maybe its just a little late. dont worry. best thing is to take a pregnancy test. if its positive, then talk it out with your parents and you should consider adoption if you dont have the resources. i think theres a plan where you can put a child up for adoption and when your ready take them back. GOOD LUCK
2007-08-17 09:54:42 UTC
Do you wear a shell suit,, baseball cap and several thick gold rings by any chance oh as well as a hooded top. is your name Shaz or Trace.

No wonder the world is going to sh1t with so many numpties like you........

get a test and grow up while you are at it but at least you see the sense of a condom but at 13 man oh man
2007-08-17 13:17:18 UTC
Take a pregancy test to be sure but stress can delay periods.
Blue Oyster Kel
2007-08-17 09:48:14 UTC
Get a test to be sure, but you've been on the pill for 3 years, so you might not be...but it's still just a "might".
2007-08-17 09:49:09 UTC
If you are on the pill you should be ok. why dont you or your boyfriend purchase a home pregnancy test. You should be fine but u are using the pill it is not so accurate but hey...
♥ღ♥yorkshire lass♥ღ♥
2007-08-17 09:49:21 UTC
can someone help?..dont you have sex education at school? are 15 and sex is illegal at your age.i doubt you are pregnant and if you are not you really need to stop having sex!.you are a child and should be playing video games,shopping with mates,going to the cinema etc...not doing things that are for adults!.did you know you can have more problems such as cistitis,cervical cancer etc due to starting a sex life so early?...please keep your self respect and stop having sex!
2007-08-17 09:49:13 UTC
A test is free at your local family planning location..not that I would know,lol,good luck my girl was 3 months late one time,wish you the best.
2007-08-17 09:47:43 UTC
2007-08-17 09:49:30 UTC
Sex...sperm in vagina, yea this could always mean there is a chance of pregnancy. Try a home pregnancy test and if you are still not sure just to ease your mind, see a doctor.

Good luck to you...
2007-08-17 10:03:55 UTC
You are probably not, but it is not impossible.

Get a pregnancy test from the pharmacy and set your mind at rest.
mummy of 5 girls <3 <3
2007-08-17 10:12:32 UTC
omg does your mum know you were on the pill and having sex at 12 you are still a child !!!!!!!!!
2007-08-17 09:51:17 UTC
Totally agree with the others, do the test, it should tell you... and you should wait and see if you'll get your period.
2007-08-17 09:49:54 UTC
c'mon,how can you be pregnant,when you cant even spell it & dont you think you are way too young to be loosing your virginity & taking are heading towards dooms day,young lady.

Get a life & get back to school & not in your boyfriends bed.

Good Luck
2007-08-17 09:55:40 UTC
you, my friend...are headed for doom.. lets see...

15-3 = 12... god damn...

u started taking pills @ if ur not having sex @ 12 then why take pills..ok nvm.. basically...

u think ur pregnant, you had sex... and ur 15..but u cant spell it...

dude...Zzzz.... ur boobs havent even properly developed and u are still growing and u want to have sex...

get out of ur boyfriend's bed and get going to school...

hes probably gonna dump you after he gets laid for with u for a few times... trust me i know..

im not like that but my friends do that to girls..
2007-08-17 09:50:39 UTC
You are taking the PILL - you are NOT pregnant!

*kudos for using a condom anyway!*
2007-08-17 10:32:15 UTC
Surely in school nowadays they learn you to spell PREGNANT
2007-08-17 09:50:21 UTC
sometimes when you have unpertected sex it makes your period a little late, wait five more days then takes your *** to planned parent hood.
2007-08-17 09:56:02 UTC
only a pregnancy test can you certainly know if you are pregnant.
2007-08-17 09:48:28 UTC
2007-08-17 09:46:49 UTC
buy a pregnancy test at the drug store
2007-08-17 09:46:21 UTC
This is the saddest thing to see, young girls thinking they're pregnant and they cant even spell it! Take a test hunny and if you are consider adoption, but I doubt it, good luck!
2007-08-17 09:55:34 UTC
um dont have sex and you wont worry about it!

you sound pretty pathetic asking this...
Awesome Rockin Mom
2007-08-17 09:46:39 UTC
so your old enough to have sex, but cant figure out to take a pregnancy test????

2007-08-17 10:17:58 UTC
oh my god ur 15!!...#

go play with ur little pony orthe care bears!
2007-08-17 09:51:06 UTC
*shakes magic 8 ball*

Yes... Yes you are preganat!
2007-08-17 09:48:30 UTC
don't know

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.