has anyone that's calling her realised that maybe she was typing quickly and didn't realise she spelt it wrong? stop being nasty to her and help her, you're no one to judge. it's her life, her choice and at least she's ON the pill.. so stop moaning! plus what are you there to do... answer her question or moan and moan.. when it won't make a difference?!
chick i'd go get a home pregnancy test, if you're too scared to do it or think they won't sell you it just ask your boyfriend to? he'd do it if he cared. :)
if you're still worried go see your GP, don't worry about them mentioning that you're underage blah blah blah, they'll probably tell you that it's illegal and stuff but i promise you they won't sit there saying stuff like people have on here!
so yeah, home pregnancy test.. then if you're still worried.. it's time to go to a GP :)
but really just stop stressing about it, my friend has had regular periods for years and found herself in a similar position, then she missed a period and got really stressed which delayed the period even more! turned out she was fine.. and she had a normal one a couple of days later :):)
hope everything turns out ok!
x x x x