He's just a male my partner is the same, maybe if you can get him to go shopping with you you could ask him to pick out something that he would like to give the baby, my partner came up to me with a gigantic Tigger and said lets get him this, it showed me he was interested so how could i say no.
To those ppl who are saying things like
First of all, why did you two have sex before marriage, anyway? That's always a bad sign.
Be more careful next time and make sure that you're with a man who is dedicated to you (as in a husband)
have you ever considered that maybe some ppl don't want to get married before having children, just because two ppl aren't married doesn't mean they aren't committed to each other i am about to have my second child with my BOYFRIEND and we have no intention of getting married atleast not yet and i'm not that young i'm 25 to be exact we are happy with things just they way they are, this woman asked for advice on getting her bf more invovled and excited not for ur critism for not being married and i bet if she had put partner instead of BF your comments would have been different.
Congratulations on your pregnancy and goodluck with getting him involved.