Am I still pregnant after I had my abortion 5 weeks ago?
2010-08-05 04:23:02 UTC
I had an abortion 5 weeks ago and it was the hardest decision of my life. I had to go back twice because the first time, I was too early for the treatment. The second time I went I had the abotion pill within six hours of each other. I was warned there was a very very small possibility it may not work with them being so close. (I think in my heart I was praying it wouldnt work). So everything went ahead, and I bled heavily..... for 3 weeks. Apparently this was normal, so I just tried to get back on with things. Then I did my pregnancy test to make sure it had worked, and it came back positive. But the line was very very faint. In fact, the only way you could see this was holding it up to the light and really focusing on it. So I assumed it was because my HCG levels were gradually disappearing. The following week I did another test, as advise by the clinic, and the positive line on that was probably stronger than the line to say the test has worked!!!! (Both tests so far had been done either at dinner time or evening). Now this morning, I have done a 3rd test, and this time in the morning, and the positive line IS there, but only in the light. My boyfriend says I've also put on a little weight, and I've been acting a little crazy just lately, but I've had no other symptoms. I am booked into the doctors but not until next week, and I can't sit here all weekend pondering on what exactly is going on! Plus its costing me a fortune in pregnancy tests!
Please can someone just put my mind at rest with what they think is going on?
Fifteen answers:
2010-08-06 14:05:35 UTC
There are three possibilities here. 1- you have not expelled all of the products of conception and as such you are still producing hCG- the hormone that is detected on a pregnancy test. The fix for this is a D&C. This is common with medical abortions. 2- you had sex some time after your abortion and the hCG detected on your pregnancy tests is the result of a new pregnancy. 3- Your still have hCG left over from your last pregnancy and it is still being detected on tests, but eventually it will be gone 100%. You need to see your doctor to find out which of these three possibilities it is.
2010-08-05 09:44:01 UTC
i had a medical abortion done on the 28 june 2010.i did a test as they said it came back positive and the clinic were so unhelpful.i rang my doctors and they made me an appointment 2 days later at the early pregnancy clinic.i then get told that they botched my abortion now i have a dead baby inside me and have to go through it all again. i didnt want to do it the first time and was bullied into it by my other half.since then i hate him and threw him out.and now i got to go through it alone. if you think something is wrong dont wait like i did go to a and e and lie tell them you had a abotion and now you are in pain.they will do their own test if it positive they will make you come back the next day for a scan.and from there they will tell you you can have another abotion and they will insert pills or you can have a dnc where they scrap your womb.just remember they will not be nice to you and they will treat you as a fool and that you have no feelings. i was in tears they didnt even give me a tissue or ask if i was ok.just be sure what you do next.
2016-05-02 22:50:19 UTC
If you have been struggling to fall pregnant, there are some useful tips that may help to increase your chances of conceiving and prevent miscarriages. Read here

Follow a healthy, balanced diet by eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as foods that are rich in iron, calcium and folate, essential for reproductive health

Maintain a healthy weight as being overweight or underweight can affect the body’s hormone levels which in turn makes conception difficult

Healthy weight loss can increase chances of getting pregnant; however, too much weight loss can affect a healthy pregnancy

Regular exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling will help keep you fit and active before and during your pregnancy. It will also help get you back into shape after the pregnancy

Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine as this can make you less fertile
2016-04-27 10:20:56 UTC
If you're preventing the necessity for surgery and countless different items, you will need to spend enough time it requires to see, digest, and put into use what this eBook, Boost Your Bust from here so you may increase your bust.

Boost Your Bust is an eBook divided in chapters: in phase 1 you'll understand what breasts are and how girls may develop them constantly.

In chapter 2 you may find the workings behind organic chest enlargement and in page 3 you will see a cheat page that it will help you produce your breasts seem bigger at all times.

In section 4 you will end up provided with the facts linked to the floor function before beginning with some powerful breast enlargement routines and with the phase 5 you'll have the ability to prepare your own personal chest enlargement routines.

Within the last 2 sections you will discover details information to ensure the outcome obtained from your breast enlargement routines are lasting and irreversible in character in section 6 and  you'll learn exactly what food items to eat so that enhance your breast size.
2017-03-10 08:27:44 UTC
Fruits and vegetables have not many calories, and they're easy to burn off w/ light exercise. And some vegetables like avocados are high in healthy fats.
2017-03-01 10:38:04 UTC
2017-02-19 23:13:34 UTC
2017-02-17 10:13:41 UTC
dont like fruits and vegetables or vegetables either. Most my menu contains is hamburgers, pizza, chips, and rooster.
2017-02-17 04:05:26 UTC
You could use the method of allowing yourself to near the point of now return and slow down and then go back to that level over and over. It will help you to learn to control your orgasms. Go here

Controlling levels of arousal is what it comes down to. If you ejaculate once even twice before actual intercourse that might help you out.

What I always tell guys to do is to lay on their partner, penetrate but do not thrust. Just remain in this position and take time to cuddle, kiss, talk dirty whatever else. Then slowly work your way towards thrusting and if you feel yourself start to want to blow stop. Even pull out if you have to. Then take time to go down on her, more foreplay and such the resume sex stopping before you get to that point of no return. In time, practicing this method, you should be able to recognize your levels of arousal and control your orgasms and teach yourself to last as long as you want.

The issue is purely a mental one, in most cases. And it is all about self control and being able to recognize your physical responses to sex and cognitively be able to control them.

Chances are if you are turned on enough as long as you can last a few minutes that should be long enough. If you orgasm once, in many men, they may need to cool down for a minute but they can still get an erection and have sex a second third or even more times after that.

If the problem is severe enough my advice is that you see an actual sex therapist and maybe try taking SSRI antidepressants. If you do get on pills like that don't use that as a cure all. And it might work too well and prevent you from orgasm altogether. If you do go that route use them as part of therapy and still consult an expert. You can over come PE and learn to last as long as you want though.
2010-08-05 04:59:48 UTC
It would have to be a very tough little embryo to stay in your womb through 3 weeks of bleeding, almost impossible I would think.

I believe that your hormones are still all over the place and you could be ovulating ready for your next period.

See your Doctor.
Divine Oubliette
2010-08-07 11:44:59 UTC
For a general guideline, if you were under 6 weeks since your last menstrual period the pregnancy test should be negative in 10 days; 7-8 weeks of pregnancy: 14 days; 9-10 weeks of pregnancy, 21 days. *For the Abortion Pill, the pregnancy test may remain positive for up to a month.*

Differing colored lines is the fact that you used different tests. The second test could have been more sensitive.

Pregnancy Tests and their Differing Sensitivity Levels

When you test again - use the same tests and use only your first mornings urine (it will have the highest amount of hCG and give the most accurate result). Test every two days, hcg should fall and the lines should be visibly fainter.

If you have any more questions or want/need to talk about it drop me an email.

~Pro-Choice Momma and Midwife; Have had an abortion and I have a 19 month old daughter . I believe in protecting my daughter's choice.

Abortion: There is a Consensus

Ps - Get birth control if you didn't have it already -

This will ask you questions about what you would like out of your birth control and match you up with the one that would work best for you.

The best suggestion I can make for birth control is a Paragard - the reasons I got mine; no hormones, is idiot proof (no pills, patches or rings to remember or forget) and it's good for up to 12 yrs. Also it's compatible with breastfeeding, if you decide to add to your family later. This is the *only* birth control that's 99%+ effective as birth control and 5 - 7 days after sex (emergency contraceptive).


Not all of us regret our abortions, in fact (as you well know and *ignore*) there is PLENTY of evidence that abortions typically do NOT harm a women.


There is no credible evidence that a single elective abortion of an unwanted pregnancy in and of itself causes mental health problems for adult women, according to a draft report released Tuesday by a task force of the American Psychological Association.

Study Says Most Women Don't Regret Abortion

The impact of an abortion on a woman's mental health has been questioned for years. Some studies have suggested that many women suffer depression, regret and even a form of post-traumatic stress disorder called 'post-abortion syndrome.'

But a study out this month finds that 80% of women were not depressed after having an abortion. In fact, the rate of depression in the postabortion group was equal to the rate of depression in the general population. As for post-traumatic stress symptoms, the rate was 1% in the postabortion group compared with an estimated 11% in women of the same age in the general population.

Abortion does NOT cause breast cancer (as you well know and *ignore*).

American Cancer Society says . . . .

The largest, and probably the most reliable study on this topic was done during the 1990s in Denmark, a country with very detailed medical records on all its citizens. In that study, all Danish women born between 1935 and 1978 (a total of 1.5 million women) were linked with the National Registry of Induced Abortions and with the Danish Cancer Registry. So all information about their abortions and their breast cancer came from registries, was very complete, and was not influenced by recall bias.

After adjusting for known breast cancer risk factors, the researchers found that induced abortion(s) had no overall effect on the risk of breast cancer. The size of this study and the manner in which it was done provides good evidence that induced abortion does not affect a woman's risk of developing breast cancer.

If abortion did cause breast cancer why don't women who habitually miscarry get breast cancer at record rates? They do not because abortion (spontaneous or medicalized) does NOT cause breast cancer.

Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Harm, Not Help

Beware of Anti-Abortion Biased Crisis Pregnancy Centers (such as BirthRight)

*Birth Right is a sham. They do not offer real you options, they simply try to push you into keeping your pregnancy and then they push adoption on you. (Been there and did that when I was 17, I ran to Planned Parenthood so fast, so I could get facts and real unbiased options counseling.)

Your really working my t*i*t*s, EC, lying like that.

Remember *lying* for Jesus is still LYING. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
jennifer p
2010-08-05 05:40:51 UTC
can take 6 weeks b4 u get a negative test.............some test r more senstive to the hormones then others.
2010-08-06 18:56:11 UTC
Everyone else has given you answers about what could be going on, and I agree with someone else on here: if your child is, miraculously, still alive, then please consider what a great blessing you've been given in having a second chance. But it's not very likely that your child survived.

I just want to let you know that there is healing for post-abortive women, when that time comes for you. It will come. Some women deny it, some bury it so deep that they become numb to it, some become very bitter, but in a year, a decade, three decades--whatever--you will have to face it. Nobody on here will talk to you about that, but I feel it's very important because most post-abortive women feel silenced by society, as if they aren't allowed to admit that it hurts. You can't ever heal until you face it and admit what happened, and that is a very hard thing to do, but that time is available to you whenever you are ready--today, tomorrow, whenever. God loves you unconditionally, will forgive you, heal you and restore your dignity and self-respect, which abortion ripped from you. This is just one of many post-abortive counseling sites. You can look for more. There are also hundreds of stories by post-abortive women here , where you might find some inspiration to seek the healing you need.

I wish with all my heart that you had known there were non-violent options for you which could have spared you all of this anguish and let your child live. Please know that there is such loving help for moms in need if you find yourself in this situation again, and it's all free. Did you know that? Did you know you could have gotten help with housing, employment, legal/financial/medical aid, baby items, and everything else you would have needed, plus emotional support, all for free?

This site can help you understand the trauma done to your body through abortion, even a medical abortion, and the possible consequences you may face. One such consequence is a 40% increased risk of breast cancer even with one abortion , so if you are on the pill or another form of hormonal birth control, do yourself a favor and get off of it, as that alone increases your risk of breast cancer by 3-4 times, in addition to the 40% increased risk due to the abortion. I am not trying to scare you, but to inform you so you can make healthier decisions in the future. Abortion does awful things to a woman's body, yet no abortionist is going to tell you this.

You and your boyfriend will have a lot to face because of this abortion; it will not make your relationship stronger, but worse. It's a reality that over 70% of couples who abort end up separating shortly afterwards. If your relationship is worth saving, you both need to turn to God together in some way, face what has happened and seek counseling together. Abstaining from sex in order to regain your self-respect and to learn what sex is truly all about will aid you enormously. It will give you the freedom to take a breath, stand back, evaluate the relationship and notice problems that need to be worked on, a lot of which are hidden when sex is involved. Please see this site to help you better understand what I'm talking about. Children are the greatest blessing on loving sex, and you need to discover that in order to have a happier future.

Your child will forgive you if you ask, and asking that forgiveness from God and your child, whenever you are ready, will help you begin the healing process. Many women find it helpful to write a letter to their aborted child, name the child, and plant something in honor of him/her. It's never too late. I will pray for you to find comfort, healing and a new beginning. We have all done things we wish we hadn't done and we are all allowed another chance.
2010-08-05 06:57:04 UTC
Maybe this is a sign that you are supposed to keep the baby... there are so many people out there who want to adopt children... please reconsider... If you want to talk more, or need support email me at
2010-08-05 04:31:51 UTC
check with your doctor.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.