Cocaine use in pregnancy!!!!!!!!!?
Lisa L
2008-06-16 17:18:53 UTC
I know that people are going to condem me for what I have done but I need to ask this question.

When I found out I was pregnant I was a heroin and crack cocaine user and was terrified at the thought of having another child becuase I ended up going to prison for 5/1/2 yrs due to drug related offences.
He is with my mum (we are now establishing a bond)
I was so mixed up and because I was an addict I was not thinkiong strait so continued to use drugs to try and pretend it was not happening(my partner really wanted this baby).
I used practially on a daily basis (2 £10 bags of heroin and up to £40 worth of crack) up until I was 7 mths when I finally found the courage to come clean and get help.
I have been to scans which say baby looks absolutly fine and is now a good weight.
Even tho I know this I am so worried that she could be damaged.
I just can not believe what I have done.
Now I am clean I am doing everything to stay clean and have been clean for 2 mths (except for 25 ml methadone).
43 answers:
yummy mummy
2008-06-16 18:16:21 UTC
I dont want this to sound nasty but this is coming from a mum that has tried for 7 years to have a baby, had 11 miscarriages, been booked in for 2 hysterectomys, I now have a gorgeous 2 year old but she is disabled and now I cant conceive again.~ And I'm 22.

Good luck to you, for realising your mistake and for trying to stay clean, part of me wants to be mad at you but more of me wants to find you and give you a hug for staying so strong.

I thought my daughter was going to be healthy but at 4 weeks she was diagnosed with ONH, what katie prices (Jordan, the supermodels) son has, it causes sudden death. We live each day as it comes and I try and smile all day until I get ino bed when which is when the tears start. Please don't think that life will be rosy, just concentrate on getting healthier for your gorgeous baby.

AND if you EVER EVER, feel that time is tough and feel like shooting up please think of me and what I wrote in the 1st paragraph as I would love to extend my little family and can't and I've never touched drugs in my life. You are so special and privelaged to be given this chance.

Good luck and enjoy your pregnancy hun as it is the biggest high you will ever have.

much love to you and little one

2008-06-16 17:29:39 UTC
Wow. Well, you won't really know until she begins to develop. She may be physically perfect and have developmental delays. She may also develop just fine. At the moment you have no choice but to trust your doctors and assume she's a normal, healthy baby. You don't need anyone to tell you what a rotten thing you did (with both children), you probably will have that guilt until the day you die. It sounds like your life was/is a mess. Is your partner aware of or contributing to your former drug use? That can be a HUGE problem, especially if they use. All you can do is look forward from this point and deal with life as it happens and make a conscious decision to change and build a better life for this baby, regardless how difficult it is for you. Good luck.
Jenny C
2008-06-16 17:46:16 UTC
Of course you deserve it! The important thing is you have decided you want your life back and want to care for your child! There is no way any one can say for sure if your child will suffer any problems from your drug use while pregnant. But stressing about that now will not help you stay clean and will not change what happens. What does matter now is that you take care of yourself and stay clean; do whatever is necessary to stay clean, especially never being around anyone again who uses drugs. Be sure you have a good support system in place that will help you now and after you have your child. You are headed in the right direction and know it will not be easy, but what an accomplishment to get your life back and what a joy to have a blessed new child to help share your new life. Only live your life for today and tomorrow will take care of itself. Bless you and good luck!
2008-06-16 17:36:44 UTC
My Poppet, you are doing so well in your struggle for self.Stay strong and keep up the Fight you will be Going Through,for However long it Takes. I Swear to you the more you fight the weaker that Enemy will become,and the better chance you have of staying clean. If All the Scans and examinations are saying Baby is O.K. At worse,your little one may be born with withdrawals,these will be identified and treated accordingly.Concentrate Everything You can Muster,in Starting a New Life for you and your Little one. Ask For Help Every single time you need it.Stop Beating yourself up for something that you had no control over,and Remember,you can Beat This my Sweetie,if you are Truly as Determined as you sound. I wish you All the luck in the World. You are Worth everything and more than what you have been dealt up to now,so FIGHT,and WIN. God Bless,stay Strong.xx
2008-06-17 15:39:52 UTC
Well I am currently going through the same ordeal, except I've only snorted cocaine 4 times during my pregnancy. I'm also expecting a little girl next month, I've been smoking and drinking wine practically everyday for the past 2 weeks... my marital problems have caused me to rely on these things. Im constantly worried about how she will come out, and if she comes out ok im dead worried about the SIDS and the possibility of her father taking legal action. I'm am trying to quit now, I dont do drugs anymore, but its so damn tempting when the only thing next to you to "help" you through it is that. I feel your pain, I sit here and cry everyday because I know its wrong. all we can do is pray and keep strong. I hope everything turns out okay. You actually got some good responses when I asked this same question all I got was alot of harsh critism. Im glad you asked this question again. And let us know what happened. Also Im glad you told your physian I am dead scared to confide in mine, so its been kept a secret. I hope you stay strong.
2008-06-16 17:30:14 UTC
Im glad your clean now, and coming clean from those drugs couldnt have been easy at all and probably still isnt easy to this day, so really try not to tear yourself up over it whatever happens

I hope the baby is ok, you wont know what youve done until its born, as hard as it will be the best thing is to think about it as little as possible, because your clean now, your doing all you can do, and thats all you can do.
2008-06-16 17:29:26 UTC
to be an honest, a person who does not use drugs can have a chil d born with health problems. All u can do is pray that everything willbe fine. And if it isnt you roll with the punches. Being an addict is an illness. Drugs take over your mind and your body, and you are no longer you, you are an addict.The fact that you wanted to be clean shows that you wanted your life back, for your child. Some addicts dont even stop while they are pregnant. I commend you for being brave enough to seek help. All i can say is stay focused on being clean. take it one day at a time. Look at your ultrasound pictures, and devote your everything to being clean for that little baby. You can do it, too many people do for it to be impossible for you.
Claudia M
2008-06-16 17:24:17 UTC
I am not sure she will ever be 100% "ok", but there is a pretty good chance that she may be alright if the doctor and scans indicate that there arent any major problems.

I don't have any experience with drugs so I will not judge you on your actions. I think the most important thing at this time is you staying clean and that you're able to realize that you made poor choices in the past that you're willing to correct.

Best of luck to you and your daughter.
Hellz Bellz
2008-06-16 17:36:38 UTC
I belive this baby was sent to you for a reason and that was to make you see sense and get off the drug's!

I'm glad that all look's ok from your scan's and checks but nobody can tell you how she will be born...If there was an abnormality then the doctors most likley would have noticed this but there are things that they can't tell...such as your baby being born an addict, Nobody will know until she is born!

I did know one woman who had 4 kid's and was pregnant with her 5th, she used huge amounts of speed,weed,extacey and drank heavily all through her pregnancy and her daughter turned out to be a healthy girl...luckily!

I'm glad you have seen sense and turned your life around for the sake of your baby, I wish you a healthy happy baby!

Good Luck and stay off the drugs!
2008-06-16 17:26:43 UTC
Even though they might say the baby looks fine and is a good weight, there could be problems with the brain. I'm not sure if your baby will be okay. But, it's good you've realized what you did was wrong. My cousin was a drug baby, and he has dyslexia and is under weight and had to get glasses at a very early age. He has to take summer school and is bellow average at school. I don't know how much of that is related to drugs but I know that the drugs did affect him.
2008-06-16 17:53:36 UTC
First I want to say congratulations! It took a lot of courage to get help and I know it's difficult to stay clean. Your not alone and yours will be one of many babies that are born to mothers in MMT (methadone maintenance treatment) . You found one of the best reasons to stop using. The damage done by all the drug use is already done and can't be reversed. You are doing the best you can and leave the rest in Gods hands. In my experience children born to mothers on methadone are healthy and have not needed any special care or needed to be detoxed. They are born with a normal weight and labor and delivery is the same. You should continue taking your daily dose and don't detox during pregnancy because it increase the chances of misscarriages in early months and it's said that it can also increase your chances for premature labor in later months). If you have concerns I would strongly suggest to bring them up to your counselor, the medical director at your facility and definitely your OB/GYN. Finally, remember to tell your regular doctors that you are on methadone.

Best of luck!

-Dispensing Nurse at MMT
2008-06-16 17:46:07 UTC
Okay. You are right to be worried about the effects of drugs on your baby. I've seen crackbaby's, but at least you stopped so your baby won't be going through withdrawals. What a lot of people who've never done drugs, or never done a lot of them don't realize is that it's hard to stop. A physical addiction hurts, it hurts to quit! I'm proud of you for quitting! But, you are right to feel guilty. You should've not been having unprotected sex as a drug user, and even after you found out you was pregnant you should have quit.

You still have every oppurtunity to give this baby a good life, no matter what damage has already been done. You deserve it so long as you are willing to work for it, which it sounds like you are. Good Luck!
2008-06-16 17:32:55 UTC
Yes, you do deserve it. No matter what you do, you always deserve another chance. The biggest thing is that you realize you were wrong and want to change. That is the first step in recovery. Just stick with it and get a good support system going. Stay away from people that are bad influences on you and areas where you know drugs are readily available. It is going to be very hard, but you CAN do it! Please feel free to send me a message if you would like to talk. My screen name is patricia_joanna07
2008-06-16 17:24:26 UTC
I do feel bad for you and I don't. I'm not really sure why you didn't think about this earlier. I'm glad your baby is fine. However, sometimes long term damage can be done to the baby that you cannot see on scans. Babies who were exposed to drugs and alcohol in the womb tend to have more behavioral problems and issues like ADD and ADHD than children's whose mothers did not use drugs. I'm really happy you cleaned up. Keep going to therapy because you do NOT want to relapse once you have a child. I know drug addiction can be difficult, but drug addictions don't only hurt you. They hurt many other people.
2016-04-23 01:31:34 UTC
There are steps you can take to actually build a strong, stable marriage and avoid divorce. Read here

Here are some key steps to apply to your marriage:

- Start by understanding and being informed.

You can never be too informed about tools, methods and studies about building successful marriages. Understand the risk factors like your age and maturity at marriage can determine how successful it will be, the anatomy of an affair and what you can do after infidelity. Understand the success factors like the personal and psychological circumstances that will influence your marriage, what are the tools and approaches available to you in dealing with conflict, and numerous other relevant data. All this information is readily available to you whether through self-help material, through a counselor, support group or other venues. In fact, we have made it our commitment to provide these to you in different formats to help you make the best marriage you can.

The thing is, remember, this is information is not available for you to begin hyper-psychoanalyzing your relationship, yourself and your partner. It's not a matter of spewing trivia for the sake of conversation ' information is there for you to ponder over and internalize to help you transform yourself and your marriage. That includes maturing to such a point that you become more competent in your knowledge but more prudent in approach.
2008-06-16 17:56:24 UTC
First off people do stupid things and sometimes its a real stupid thing but that does not make us bad people or monsters!!! I do believe you deserve your daughter and she is your blessing she was sent for a reason and that reason is to get you clean and look it worked! I think everything will be fine if you can stay clean for the rest of your life. Give your children what they truly need a real mommy not one on drugs. Its going to be hard to stay clean but I know you can do it. Good luck and I will pray for you and your family!
2008-06-16 17:30:31 UTC
This goes to show people, that it is NEVER too late!! Keep clean and that baby might just be okay after all...for two withdrawl symptoms...and it will have a clean and sober mommy :D Don't give up, it's not about what you deserve, it's about what you want, what is right...and working for things..and making things right. If that makes sense to you. Congrats on the baby and for staying clean...I wish you the best!!! It's nice to see a good change.
2008-06-16 21:28:16 UTC
I had never, ever used drugs in my life, I have two daughters and I can assure you that EVERY mom to be is scared to death about the wellbeing of her child!!!! For you is different unfortunately, you DO have reasons but, even if you didn't have a reason, you would still be scared. So, understand that first: it's 'normal' to be scared! You have to trust that your baby is OK, the medical testing proves so, just have faith and pray that she is OK...At this point is in God's hands, you did your part quitting the drugs, now you have to stay clean for you and for that child! Good luck and many blessings to the two of you!♥
Kimberley W
2008-06-16 17:32:45 UTC
well first of all i'd like to say well done to you for realising your problem and making things right with your life. theres not many drug users who will do this, so well done you. i know it couldnt have been easy :O) for your unborn childs health i do not know, only the doctors can tell u this.

just try and keep strong and think possitive, dont forget stress is not good for a baby either so keep relaxed. And do your upper most to stay clean from drugs. good luck !
~*~ Jaydin's Mommy ~*~
2008-06-16 17:27:55 UTC
Addiction is a medical disorder , don't blame yourself for not having the will power to get clean sooner ... the good thing is that you are making the best out of it now , there is a good Chance that your baby will be fine , dont beat yourself up over this , we all make mistakes , we just have to learn from them , just promise me that you will stay clean for you and your baby , and be the best mom you can be , no matter what happens ..

Good Luck hun , take good care of your little angel ...
2008-06-16 18:24:05 UTC
Everyone makes mistakes in life its how we learn from them thats important!!

Never let anything get in between you and your children no matter how hard it may be!!

Be true to yourself for once instead of constantly lying to yourself?

Most of all never let anyone drag you back down,you are better than that and deserve so much more!!

You deserve this baby so long as you love with your whole heart and you never let them down or put anyone or anything before them!!Well done for taking the steps you have so far :-)

Keep your chin up keep strong and believe in yourself as there is a fighter and soldier in us all!!

2008-06-16 17:26:52 UTC
The effects can take years before you can notice them if she has any mentally but as long as the doctors say she looks ok physically then thats the only thing to worry about I think.... just be strong, stay clean, and love your baby with all your heart and treat her right.... Best of luck to you!
2008-06-16 17:26:19 UTC
Try not to worry over this as stress can cause adverse reactions during pregnancy as well.

If you informed your OB of your prior drug use they will watch out for things during ultrasounds & after you deliver.

No one can tell you now what effects if any she will subject to due to your drug abuse.

It is very sad that you did it to not only yourself, but your baby & family as well.

But at least you are recognizing what consequences your past behaviour could bring about.

Be strong, stay clean & best wishes for your dumpling =)
2008-06-16 17:57:19 UTC
Everyone deserves another chance in life and with strength and determination hey can get through the bad times.

You are doing the right things now and that is what matters.
2017-02-17 19:06:45 UTC
2008-06-16 17:31:20 UTC
You're baby will probably have some health issues but congrats on getting help which will improve your childs chances. You're baby will probably reach milestones later than other babies its age. My mom did drugs when she was pregnant with me and just finished MA program with a 3.5 *** gpa. Top of my class.
2008-06-16 17:38:59 UTC
i tihnk u a re pretty brave for admitting this to your self , and im sorry to say no one will be certain to say if your precios little baby will be ok, all you have to do now is support and love and cherish her with everything that you have and and accept whatever challenges will be thrown your way and this makes you a better person already. good luck and all the best!
2008-06-16 17:24:20 UTC
Her weight is good, which is a realy great sign. Unfortunately, there may some mental retardation. The child come be extremely retarded or autistic. She could just have some motor problems. I think it's great that you've come clean and I know you're going to take great care of her.
2008-06-16 17:23:23 UTC
I dont really know what kinda of damage you could of cause at all. I But i suggest that maybe you seek professional advice form someone that specialises in your kind of cases, just so that you will have an idea of what to expect when bub is born.

Good Luck chick, it must have taken a lot of courage, congratulations
2008-06-16 17:23:08 UTC
You need to stay clean of any kind of drugs and stimulants. If you stopped early enough in the pregnancy your baby will probably be fine. However, your baby may be in danger of having a depedency for cocaine and problems with neurological development.
2008-06-16 17:24:25 UTC
If she does have severe disabilities, she will be saved by the Lords good graces. As for you, just be that much better to clean up your life not only for your health, but so you can be spiritually clean as well.

Cheers, and best of luck,

-Robot #1
2008-06-16 17:23:27 UTC
I've seen cases of crackeheads delivering perfectly healthy babies. But the majority of babies born to drug addict mothers are born with sever withdrawls, deformities and health problems.

My sister-in-law used cocain and pot during her last pregnancy and it caused so much damage her baby died when she was 19wks pregnant.

You need to be seeing a doctor and and talk to him about the effects and 'what ifs'
2014-09-28 03:09:09 UTC
I was able to save my marriage thanks to my family and friends. I also read a lot about marital issues and tips on how to save your relationship. The ebook on this site helped me a lot

Check it out it's worth it.
2008-06-16 17:26:50 UTC
we cant be so sure until your baby is born. just try your best to stay clean for the rest of your pregnancy, GOOD LUCK!!!
Ashley H
2008-06-16 17:24:06 UTC
There might be development delays and learning disabilities.

It sounds like you are really committed to this and I commend you for it. Good luck.
2008-06-16 17:24:52 UTC
All we can do is pray for her and pray for you. that you are truly sensire about getting and keeping clean. your daughter needs her mom. and she deserves a good start to this earth. i will keep you family in my prayers.
scott c
2008-06-16 17:22:35 UTC
You wont truly know until the baby is born so just concentrate on staying clean.
2008-06-16 17:24:04 UTC
At this point...its great you have stopped...however theres only one thing you can do for now on..and thats pray...

even though you have done sinful things, the man upstairs forgives people of their sins...and if you pray//things will be great!
2008-06-16 17:23:11 UTC
That's a question to ask your doctor. At this point, all you can do is pray, and stay straight.
2008-06-16 17:22:19 UTC
sorry but nobody can tell you if your baby is going to be okay or not....this is something you will just have to wait and see.
Anna C
2008-06-16 17:23:05 UTC
Wait and see, I'm afraid.

What you did was awful, but none of us are perfect. learn from this.
2008-06-16 17:23:00 UTC
Well all you can do is hope she will be ok.
2008-06-16 17:30:55 UTC
Cocaine use during pregnancy can affect a pregnant woman and her unborn baby in many ways. During the early months of pregnancy, it may increase the risk of miscarriage. When the drug is used late in pregnancy, it may trigger premature labor. It also may cause an unborn baby to die or to have a stroke, which can result in irreversible brain damage.

Women who use cocaine during pregnancy are: A. twice as likely to have a premature baby; B. More likely to have a low birth-weight baby; C. More likely to have babies born with smaller heads and smaller brains proportionate to body size.

Studies show that women who use cocaine during pregnancy are at least twice as likely as other women to have a premature baby. And because cocaine cuts the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, the baby may be much smaller at birth than it would be otherwise. Cocaine-exposed babies also tend to have smaller heads, which may indicate a smaller brain. These problems appear more commonly in babies of women who use cocaine throughout pregnancy than in babies whose mothers stop using the drug in the first trimester.

Cocaine use also may cause the placenta to pull away from the wall of the uterus before labor begins. This condition, placental abruption, can lead to extensive bleeding and can be fatal for both the mother and her baby. (Women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy also are at increased risk of placental abruption. Many women who use cocaine also smoke cigarettes, which may contribute to their increased risk of abruption.) The drug also may increase other complications of labor and delivery.

How does cocaine use during pregnancy affect newborns?

Babies exposed to cocaine before they are born may start life with serious health problems. Babies of women who use cocaine regularly during pregnancy are between three and six times more likely to be born at a low birthweight (less than 5.5 pounds) than babies of women who do not use the drug. Low birthweight can result from poor growth before birth, premature birth, or a combination of both. Low-birthweight babies are 20 times more likely to die in their first month than normal-weight babies. Those who survive are at increased risk of lifelong disabilities including mental retardation, cerebral palsy, visual and hearing impairment.

Some studies suggest that cocaine-exposed babies are at increased risk of birth defects. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that mothers who used cocaine early in pregnancy were five times as likely to have a baby with a malformation of the urinary tract as mothers who do not use the drug.

A number of studies have found that cocaine-exposed babies tend to score poorly on tests given at birth to assess the newborn's physical condition and overall responsiveness. They do not do as well as unexposed babies on measures of motor ability and reflexes, attention and mood control, and they appear less likely to respond to a human face or voice.

Babies exposed to cocaine before birth sometimes have feeding difficulties and sleep disturbances. Beginning at birth, some exposed babies go through something similar to "withdrawal" from the drug. Many are very jittery and irritable, and startle and cry at the gentlest touch or sound. Consequently, these babies are very difficult to comfort and often are described as withdrawn or unresponsive. Other cocaine-exposed babies "turn off" surrounding stimuli by going into a deep sleep for most of the day.

In either case, the baby's reaction to cocaine, frequently coupled with the mother's continued dependence on the drug, makes bonding between mother and baby difficult. Bonding is believed to be important to a baby's emotional development.

What other problems are faced by babies whose mothers used cocaine during pregnancy?

We do not know all of the special problems that these children will face. Some, but not all, studies suggest that they may have a greater-than-normal chance of dying of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The cocaine, in conjunction with other poor health practices that often accompany cocaine use, may contribute to these deaths.

Recent studies suggest that these children may lag behind unexposed peers in motor skills, at least through two years of age. Most affected appear to be fine motor skills, such as those used in learning to write, draw or play sports.

Most children who were exposed to cocaine before birth have normal intelligence. This is encouraging, in light of earlier predictions that many of these children would be severely brain-damaged. However, studies of cocaine-exposed school-aged children do suggest subtle effects on intelligence and behavior. Exposed children tend to score about 3 points lower on tests of IQ than nonexposed children. While effects on overall intelligence appear small, the effects on specific language abilities are larger. Teachers also report more problem behaviors in cocaine-exposed children compared to unexposed children. As a result of these subtle effects on learning and behavior, some exposed children will need special education to help reach their full potential


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.