control emotions in prego?
2006-03-08 01:52:01 UTC
Help!!! I'm five months pregnant and my emotions and mood are out of control!!!! Is this the normal time for my hormones to change? How do I handle this?I don't want to lose the baby!!! ALot of people tell me getting so upset, emotional can.
Three answers:
2006-03-08 02:44:14 UTC
I went through this too -recently -I just had my baby Jan 18th

I would get so upset and angry -mostly because of my ten year old step-son -he can be nightmare sometimes and it really was a bad combination - (a stuborn kid and a pregnant woman) He once drank all the milk out of the fridge and when I came home I threw a fit and even started crying because I had been craving milk all day at work and was looking forward to it - I wanted to throw him accross the room!!!! Of course I didn't but I got so worked up that I felt like I was going to faint!!! The bottom line is that your baby feels everything you go through all emotions/thoughts -with that said your baby can get very stressed and this can raise its heart-rate --You dont want that to happen really cause a baby's heart-rate is already twice as fast as yours. Its in both your best interest for your to do your best to remain calm - and trust me I know Its difficult sometimes - my rough spot was from 4 to 6 months pregnant -that's right when my step-son came home from the summer and it took me a while to adjust to him being there again on top of my raging hormones - By my 7th month it started to get better and the 8th & 9th month I was like this peaceful little pregnant woman -I even felt a little euphoric cause I was so excited about the event of my daughters birth about to take place!!- Just do as many things as possible to relax

Get a pregnancy massage -they are GREAT!!!

Or get your baby's father to do it

Take a relaxing warm bath

Me and my Fiance did some belly art on my

preggy belly - its sort of the New thing to do

we painted my belly with non-toxic face paints

(the doctor said it was OK) it was fun to do

I had to lay back for about an hour while he painted

me ( i helped) We painted my daughters name w/ a ladybug and a daisy - we took pictures too- It sounds silly

but I was sooooo relaxed and it felt good cause the paint

brush tickled my skin- do a search for it (pregnant belly painting or belly art)

Or write in a pregnancy journal-

you can even do one online -

try or -( you can later use it for a free webpage for your baby)

other sites to check out

and here is something fun to do

go to to create a baby pool for your expected baby ( it allows friends & family to guess the sex,weight,height, time and date of birth) the one who guesses it the closest wins

I found that by keeping myself glued to the net searching for baby stuff kept me super calm

Just concentrate on taking care of yourself and that baby and you will be fine

Hope I helped
2006-03-08 02:01:15 UTC
RELAX! This is normal! Your body is going through huge changes. Stress is not good for you or the baby, and while it does not cause miscarriages it can contribute to it. I have 2 kids, so I understand what you are going through. My youngest is only 6 months old!!! Here is the name of a book that I highly recommend. Your Pregnancy Week by Week, Fifth Edition

by Glade B. Curtis, Judith Schuler

It is a very informative, and it helped me through both pregnancies. I tried to read What to Expect When You're Expecting, and I found it to be more like a horror story.

I hope this helps you at least a little. It is all worth it in the end. Good luck!

Here is my email, feel free to send me a message if you have any other questions.
2006-03-08 02:15:33 UTC
lol!! its fine some peoples emontions are worse than others, oviously urs are alot worse to mine im 5months aswell and not moody at all. it is true that if u get up u can get problems but i wudn't worry about it coz u have to be EXTREAMLY stressed. just let it out if u feel like u wanna cry just cry if u feel moody who cares ur pregnant everyone knows pregnant woman can be scary!! and they shudknow they shud b pissin a pregnant woman off!!! take care and good luck with ur last 4 months!!

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